Past Pages for June 13 to 16, 2020

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150 years ago

Engine Squirting. — After the corner stone was laid the fire Jackies had some fun. The Currys squirted and sent a horizontal stream 205 feet. The Eagles then tried it on and couldn’t fetch that far by five feet or so. At another cistern the Warrens went to work. They threw 210 feet. The Liberty’s didn’t want any part of it and declined to play.

140 years ago

No trace of the stage robbers.

130 years ago

Knights of Pythias. Yesterday the 18th annual session of the Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias of Nevada was called to order in the Odd Fellows Hall at 10 a.m. by Grand Chancellor Bray. Twenty-five representatives were present.

120 years ago

Commencing today the Appeal and Bee will be delivered to the subscribers of the Appeal. The combination of the two papers will certainly make live news for the subscribers. Those failing to receive either paper will leave word at this office and the matter will be speedily arranged.

100 years ago

“Gentlemen: I beg to report the escape between 5 and 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon Olin Turner, Arthur Henderson and Ted Ryan,” read the report. “Since reduction in the force there are not night guards in the yard or on the wall after 4:45 p.m. Periodical visits to the yard are made by the officer in charge and the guard in the cell house about twice per hour. The escape was discovered about five minutes to six. State police and all station agents in all directions have been notified.”


150 years ago

Alexander Leport has just received a fine stock of groceries which he will sell at as low figures, for cash, as any one in Carson, and will deliver purchased articles in any part of the city free of charge.

140 years ago

The season at Lake Bigler (Tahoe) opened on Sunday with the excursion of the Governor Stanford. Numbers of Carson people assisted at the “opening,” among them an Appeal reporter. From Carson to the lake is estimated to cover a distance of 15 miles. This is probably in a direct line, for if the road were straightened out, it would reach to San Francisco (See opening, next column).

130 years ago

The efforts made by Judge Bigelow and under Sheriff Dawley in favor of the Pottses has been unsuccessful and the two will be hung at Elko on the 20th. The execution will be in the yard behind the county jail. A fence sixteen feet in height has been erected around the yard to keep the gallows from the view of spectators. Both the condemned persons assert their innocence and state Faucett came to death by his own hand.

120 years ago

Yesterday afternoon at the Opera House was well filled with spectators to witness the Commencement exercises of the Nevada Business College. The stage was handsomely decorated for the occasion and a profusion of flowers was in every nook.

100 years ago

“The Thirteenth Chair,” the murder mystery story by Bayard Veiller that gripped New York theatergoers for over a year, is showing in its screen version at the Carson City Theater tonight. The story is concerned with the murder of Stephen Lee, a cad of the worst sort.


150 years ago

Strike Among the Capitol Stone Cutters. — Within the past day or two, it has been noticed that the force of workmen upon the Capitol has been much diminished. Inasmuch as all sorts of rumors have been afloat as to the case of this partial cessation of work in pursuance of the contract it is proper that we should briefly explain matters: Mr. Cavanaugh, relying upon his expectations of receiving a certain sum of money as an installment of his pay from the State promised his employees payment last Friday. The amount allowed by the Board of Commissioners being less than what he had calculated on, he declined to receive it and postponed paying the men. The Commissioners met yesterday and it is expected everything will be moving along smoothly in a day or two.

140 years ago

(Opening) On the Lake at Glenbrook the tourists found the staunch little craft, Governor Stanford, and Capt. Avery ready to take them over the raging sea. The boat was manned by as hardy a crew of sailors (fresh water) as ever uncoiled a bowsprit or greased marina spike. These jolly tars took the steamer around the lake in a style that would have reflected credit upon Capt. Cook, the ancient navigator of the South sea (See Cascades, next column).

130 years ago

The Pistol in Bodie. — On Saturday evening Charlie Gardine met John Kelly, alias, “Pioche” Kelly on the street in Bodie and fired two shots at him. Neither took effect. Kelly pulled and sent a bullet into Garein’s stomach, and as he tried to run, two more into his back. The wounded man died the next day. Cause of shooting unknown.

120 years ago

Judge Belcher today filed an important opinion in San Francisco in which he holds that the marriages of divorced persons in this State performed within 12 months after decree of divorce has been made are invalid in the eyes of the law and such persons are unmarried. The opinion is a blow to the hundreds of California couples who have been married in Nevada within the past two years.

100 years ago

The Carson City theater and the Grand have donated the proceeds of two nights each to the treasury of the local troop of Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts expect to take their summer outing at Lake Tahoe the last week of June and the first week of July.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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