RSVP taking precautions to reduce COVID-19 spread

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RSVP is taking the public health concerns about the COVID-19 (novel Coronavirus) seriously. We bear in mind the increased risks for those we serve such as elders, veterans and adults living with a disability. RSVP is taking precautions to reduce the spread of the virus and protect our clients, volunteers and staff. In the interest of the health and safety of those we serve, as well as our volunteers and staff, we will minimize person-to-person interaction in all programs and services. All group programs such as Friends Day Out – Java Music Club, large events and other activities are suspended until further notice. Volunteer Respite Care and Home Companion Care is suspended until further notice. We are working on alternate ways to deliver programs and services to maintain our support of the community. When it is safe to resume normal operations, we will let you know. RSVP staff will continue to work hard in supporting our important mission to provide lifesaving volunteer programs that help seniors maintain their dignity, self-respect & independence. Some of the changes we are implementing include the following:

  • Our employees and staff will be communicating through telephone and technology.
  • We are suspending home companion and respite care contact and will be working to provide telephone reassurance, food and prescription drop off.
  • RSVP volunteers are limiting transportation services. We will work to help by picking up and dropping off food and medicine for clients. We will scale back on trips to medical facilities with few exceptions such as critical dialysis, chemotherapy, radiation etc.
  • You may continue to contact us by phone and email. Please leave messages if you cannot immediately access us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Volunteers will work with their local Field Representatives or Carson City Headquarters to coordinate services for our clients.
  • Volunteers will not be able to drive clients who are presenting cold or flu like symptoms.
  • Homemakers will not be able to clean for those who are presenting cold or flu like symptoms.
  • Persons experiencing medical emergencies should call 911.

We ask that everyone take precautions for your own protection and safety and the safety of others as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and your local County Health District. Please keep in mind that this is only temporary. Together we are stronger. We will continue to serve as much as possible. Everyone is encouraged to remain calm and be patient. Working together we will weather this storm; and we know, that “this too shall pass”.


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