The Nov. 2, 2020, R-C Morning Report

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Genoa, Nev. — Sunday was busy and long for East Fork firefighters with a quad on fire in a garage at 4:25 a.m. and a trash fire at the Douglas Disposal Transfer Station at 7 p.m. Both incidents could have been much worse, but neither blaze spread much beyond the thing that was on fire. Douglas Disposal is typically closed on Mondays, so we’ll likely find out today if they are also going to need Tuesday for clean-up.

If you didn’t check the batteries in your smoke detectors on Sunday, maybe get to that today. Also the fire district is reminding people to properly dispose of fireplace and woodstove ashes. That paper bag isn’t going to cut it. A small metal garbage can with a tight lid is a good option.

Douglas is only 545 votes shy of the 26,131 cast in the 2016 General Election. I wager way more than that will turn up at the Douglas County Clerk-Treasurer’s Office today. The Election Tent is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. behind the Douglas County Courthouse in Minden.

The polls are closed today while election workers set up for Tuesday. Election machines will be available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Election Day at the Douglas County, Kahle, Washoe Tribe and Topaz Ranch Estates community centers. Any voter may cast or drop off their mailed ballot at any of the polling stations.

Douglas had nine new coronavirus cases and 15 recoveries to bring it to 30 active cases and 395 recoveries at last report. Carson had a death on Saturday bringing the capital to nine since March.

We might see a little winter weather by the end of the week, but until Thursday, skies are forecast to be sunny and highs in the 70s. It will be good weather to get out and wrap up those winter preparations.

Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at


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