#Solution to hearing candidates’ views during debate
The presidential debate of Sept. 29 left me feeling angry and embarrassed. The absolute rudeness, arrogance and egotistical behavior of the president of the United States was the worst I have ever seen from any president of this wonderful country. The Fox News moderator tried many times to keep Trump from interrupting and talking over the other candidate. Trump just interrupted and talked over the moderator!
One way to allow the listeners to hear the candidates’ views on true issues is to control the microphones. When one candidate is given two minutes of uninterrupted time to present their views on issues, the other candidate’s microphone should be turned off. This will not totally solve the uncontrollable ego problems of a certain candidate, but it should help the viewers to understand where each candidate stands on the issues rather than on which candidate can do a better job of insulting and belittling the other.
Carol Holzhauer
#Pelosi should pay for latest impeachment effort
Regarding Pelosi’s idea that she would file another impeachment action against Trump in order to delay the SCOTUS vote:
What? She doesn’t remember that her first effort failed?
One is supposed to learn from past experience! And she is the Speaker of the House? Who put her in that position?
All Americans have the right to confront actions they object to … depending on the circumstances involved.
So if she wants to do this, it is her choice, but … we, the people … already paid for her first attempt to kick Trump out of office due to her decision.
If she wants to try it again, she will be the one who has to pay for it, because we, the people, are not so stupid we cannot learn from history!
Mary Santomauro
#Help cure Alzheimer’s
This year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s will be different than in the past, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, but the goal and the enthusiasm is as strong as ever.
Instead of a single, huge event on Saturday, Oct. 24, teams from throughout Northern Nevada will hold individual walks. Team Carson Valley (Minden, Gardnerville, Carson City) plans to walk around the State Capitol building, stepping off at 10 a.m. It’s a small team (I’m the captain) and we’d be delighted to have you join us.
I never thought Alzheimer’s would become a part of my life. But it did when a close relative was diagnosed more than five years ago. I’ve watched her memory fade. And I have accepted that it is still a fatal disease.
I found friendship and support from others in an Alzheimer’s Support Group. You, too, can find hope and support. Even a friendly shoulder to cry on. I did. You’ll learn about the disease. Nobody need walk this road alone.
I attend the support group in Minden. Pre-pandemic, our local support group met face-to-face. But for now, our meetings are held online the second Thursday each month via ZOOM. For information about our meeting or for assistance, call the Alzheimer’s Helpline at 1-800-272-3900.
To join our team, make a donation, or learn more about the walk or about the disease go online to act.alz.org/goto/teamcarsonvalley.
Five years ago I called the hotline. Thank God!
Together someday we’ll find the first survivor of Alzheimer’s.
Pat Stanley
#Our country is strong
I generally find Mr. Guy Farmer’s commentaries thought provoking and well thought out. As citizens we all struggle to stay informed and well balanced not taking our liberties for granted. In reference to the Cancel Culture Commentary looters burning buildings, toppling statues, Marxist sponsorship of the Black Lives Matter Movement are horrific and unacceptable. Having retired after 34 years in the Army I assure you that I am quite loyal and generally proud of our country.
The statement “the United States was founded on systemic racism, slavery and the oppression of minorities” is pretty harsh but here’s some input. Stephen Ambrose does a very good job of historically detailing early colonial life in his book Undaunted Courage covering the Lewis and Clarke Exploratory expedition of the United States. He details a class society where wealthy land owners lived a preferential life and owed slaves to toil the fields. I believe it’s factual that Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton and others all “owned “ slaves. Slavery has been going on for thousands of years.
Those of us who grew up watching Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie now, hopefully, recognize that we had our short comings in our perceived Manifest Destiny colonizing North America. I don’t believe that “glorious” accurately describes that history
We Americans have much to be proud of but still struggle “To Create a More Perfect Union” as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution. Our country is strong and we will recover from these troubling times. Come Nov. 3, 2020 our elected representatives will remember their sworn oath to “protect and Defend the Constitution.”
Michael King
Solution to hearing candidates’ views during debate
The presidential debate of Sept. 29 left me feeling angry and embarrassed. The absolute rudeness, arrogance and egotistical behavior of the president of the United States was the worst I have ever seen from any president of this wonderful country. The Fox News moderator tried many times to keep Trump from interrupting and talking over the other candidate. Trump just interrupted and talked over the moderator!
One way to allow the listeners to hear the candidates’ views on true issues is to control the microphones. When one candidate is given two minutes of uninterrupted time to present their views on issues, the other candidate’s microphone should be turned off. This will not totally solve the uncontrollable ego problems of a certain candidate, but it should help the viewers to understand where each candidate stands on the issues rather than on which candidate can do a better job of insulting and belittling the other.
Carol Holzhauer
Pelosi should pay for latest impeachment effort
Regarding Pelosi’s idea that she would file another impeachment action against Trump in order to delay the SCOTUS vote:
What? She doesn’t remember that her first effort failed?
One is supposed to learn from past experience! And she is the Speaker of the House? Who put her in that position?
All Americans have the right to confront actions they object to … depending on the circumstances involved.
So if she wants to do this, it is her choice, but … we, the people … already paid for her first attempt to kick Trump out of office due to her decision.
If she wants to try it again, she will be the one who has to pay for it, because we, the people, are not so stupid we cannot learn from history!
Mary Santomauro
Help cure Alzheimer’s
This year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s will be different than in the past, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, but the goal and the enthusiasm is as strong as ever.
Instead of a single, huge event on Saturday, Oct. 24, teams from throughout Northern Nevada will hold individual walks. Team Carson Valley (Minden, Gardnerville, Carson City) plans to walk around the State Capitol building, stepping off at 10 a.m. It’s a small team (I’m the captain) and we’d be delighted to have you join us.
I never thought Alzheimer’s would become a part of my life. But it did when a close relative was diagnosed more than five years ago. I’ve watched her memory fade. And I have accepted that it is still a fatal disease.
I found friendship and support from others in an Alzheimer’s Support Group. You, too, can find hope and support. Even a friendly shoulder to cry on. I did. You’ll learn about the disease. Nobody need walk this road alone.
I attend the support group in Minden. Pre-pandemic, our local support group met face-to-face. But for now, our meetings are held online the second Thursday each month via ZOOM. For information about our meeting or for assistance, call the Alzheimer’s Helpline at 1-800-272-3900.
To join our team, make a donation, or learn more about the walk or about the disease go online to act.alz.org/goto/teamcarsonvalley.
Five years ago I called the hotline. Thank God!
Together someday we’ll find the first survivor of Alzheimer’s.
Pat Stanley
Our country is strong
I generally find Mr. Guy Farmer’s commentaries thought provoking and well thought out. As citizens we all struggle to stay informed and well balanced not taking our liberties for granted. In reference to the Cancel Culture Commentary looters burning buildings, toppling statues, Marxist sponsorship of the Black Lives Matter Movement are horrific and unacceptable. Having retired after 34 years in the Army I assure you that I am quite loyal and generally proud of our country.
The statement “the United States was founded on systemic racism, slavery and the oppression of minorities” is pretty harsh but here’s some input. Stephen Ambrose does a very good job of historically detailing early colonial life in his book Undaunted Courage covering the Lewis and Clarke Exploratory expedition of the United States. He details a class society where wealthy land owners lived a preferential life and owed slaves to toil the fields. I believe it’s factual that Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton and others all “owned “ slaves. Slavery has been going on for thousands of years.
Those of us who grew up watching Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie now, hopefully, recognize that we had our short comings in our perceived Manifest Destiny colonizing North America. I don’t believe that “glorious” accurately describes that history
We Americans have much to be proud of but still struggle “To Create a More Perfect Union” as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution. Our country is strong and we will recover from these troubling times. Come Nov. 3, 2020 our elected representatives will remember their sworn oath to “protect and Defend the Constitution.”
Michael King