#140 years ago
#Old Theater Saloon. — John Quincy Adams Moore’s Hall is now headquarters of the Republicans of Ormsby County, and his saloon will continue to administer to the wants of the thirsty on all occasions. Although his liquors are unequalled in Nevada, he still administers the old price, one bit a drink.
#130 years ago
#Of the unclaimed and undelivered mail matter received at the Dead Letter Office during the past fiscal year four hundred and fifty-one thousand were letters misdirected, or only partially addressed while twenty-four thousand were entirely blank bearing no address whatsoever. Frequently found was correspondence to businessmen with a money drafts, checks, etc.
#100 years ago
#Work has resumed on the Memorial building this morning, as the storm of the past several days had forced a layoff of the crew. A derrick has been moved to the building and rapid progress is possible.
#80 years ago
#Nevada state prison officials have received notice from the U.S. Government that necessary blanks for registering men of conscript age as they are released from the institution will be forwarded within a few days. The men confined in the prison will not be registered while serving their terms, but men the draft age who complete their sentences and are granted paroles, must be registered before they are released.
#60 years ago
#Members of the state planning board and Gov. Grant Sawyer will meet in a closed session at Reno’s Holiday hotel tomorrow in what Sawyer described as a “personnel” meeting. Sawyer said there had been numerous complaints about getting funded building projects underway.
#40 years ago
#An extortionist has threatened to poison the water system at Caesar’s Tahoe hotel casino unless he is paid several million dollars. A 32-year-old San Jose, Ca., Vietnam veteran is being sought for questioning.
#140 years ago
#The Black List. Yesterday an Appeal reporter dropped in to Harris brother’s store and asked about the black list which is alleged they had given to Palm & Co. Mr. Harris said that he had given such a list as the Times had stated, and did not regret that he had done so, except from the fact that the list had been made public. Printed black lists had been in vogue all over the coast for eyes and were common among merchants. They are kept for the protection of business men against non-paying customers. He showed the list to the reporter, which contained the names of 100 citizens of Carson.
#130 years ago
#Mr. Will U. Mackey called at the Appeal office yesterday to see certain who was the Appeal’s authority for the statement that he said in the event of another war he would fight for the south. Mackey said he had taken the oath of allegiance to the United States when made Captain of the Carson Guard.
#100 years ago
#Tomorrow and Friday nights the Carson City theater will show the sensation of the season, Gladys Brockwell in “The Devil’s Riddle,” fresh from Fox studios and pronounced on of the corporation’s greatest successes.
#80 years ago
#Officers of the Carson City Exchange Club reported today that Grant Rice has been picked as the clubs rider in the donkey race to be staged down Carson street on the day of the celebration of Nevada’s 76th year in the Union.
#60 years ago
#Louis Dragna today was seeking a federal court injunction against the “little black book” handed out to Nevada gamblers by members of the state gaming control board and gaming commission. The book reportedly contains the names of “undesirables” not wanted in casinos or clubs.
#40 years ago
#A Vietnam War veteran wanted for questioning in an attempt to extort $10 million from Caesar’s Tahoe by threatening to poison the hotel casino’s water supply, said today he was not at Lake Tahoe when the extortion notes were planted.
#140 years ago
#Bulldozing on the Comstock. A correspondent from Virginia City assures the Appeal that Col. Fair is discharging Republicans from the mines whose names appear on the rolls of Republican clubs, and Republican miners dare not appear in procession for fear of discharge. This is bulldozing as bad as ever practiced in the South.
#130 years ago
#William Pickler announces that he has withdrawn from the Democratic ticket. “Leaf by leaf the roses fall.”
#100 years ago
#Senator Charles B. Henderson arrived in this city last evening on his rounds of the state. He left Yerington yesterday and spend a short time in Gardnerville and other points along the route.
#80 years ago
#Second Lieutenant Gene Robens and Second Lietenanat Melvin Ruedy, Nevada national guard members inducted into the U.S. army for duty at selective service headquarters in this state have received orders to report at Camp Murray, in the state of Washington, and will probably leave Carson tomorrow.
#60 years ago
#“More of it,” said Hank Monk this morning when asked what the weather would be tomorrow. “Nothing wrong with this,” he added, “so let’s keep it. “Trick or Treat” is for kids on Halloween, not for Mother Nature.
#40 years ago
#Nevada’s gambling industry is proving an island of stability in a seas of national economic difficulties, but not without effort or cost. Revenues rose more than 20 percent but with more spend for tour packages, junkets and promotions.
#Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.
140 years ago
Old Theater Saloon. — John Quincy Adams Moore’s Hall is now headquarters of the Republicans of Ormsby County, and his saloon will continue to administer to the wants of the thirsty on all occasions. Although his liquors are unequalled in Nevada, he still administers the old price, one bit a drink.
130 years ago
Of the unclaimed and undelivered mail matter received at the Dead Letter Office during the past fiscal year four hundred and fifty-one thousand were letters misdirected, or only partially addressed while twenty-four thousand were entirely blank bearing no address whatsoever. Frequently found was correspondence to businessmen with a money drafts, checks, etc.
100 years ago
Work has resumed on the Memorial building this morning, as the storm of the past several days had forced a layoff of the crew. A derrick has been moved to the building and rapid progress is possible.
80 years ago
Nevada state prison officials have received notice from the U.S. Government that necessary blanks for registering men of conscript age as they are released from the institution will be forwarded within a few days. The men confined in the prison will not be registered while serving their terms, but men the draft age who complete their sentences and are granted paroles, must be registered before they are released.
60 years ago
Members of the state planning board and Gov. Grant Sawyer will meet in a closed session at Reno’s Holiday hotel tomorrow in what Sawyer described as a “personnel” meeting. Sawyer said there had been numerous complaints about getting funded building projects underway.
40 years ago
An extortionist has threatened to poison the water system at Caesar’s Tahoe hotel casino unless he is paid several million dollars. A 32-year-old San Jose, Ca., Vietnam veteran is being sought for questioning.
140 years ago
The Black List. Yesterday an Appeal reporter dropped in to Harris brother’s store and asked about the black list which is alleged they had given to Palm & Co. Mr. Harris said that he had given such a list as the Times had stated, and did not regret that he had done so, except from the fact that the list had been made public. Printed black lists had been in vogue all over the coast for eyes and were common among merchants. They are kept for the protection of business men against non-paying customers. He showed the list to the reporter, which contained the names of 100 citizens of Carson.
130 years ago
Mr. Will U. Mackey called at the Appeal office yesterday to see certain who was the Appeal’s authority for the statement that he said in the event of another war he would fight for the south. Mackey said he had taken the oath of allegiance to the United States when made Captain of the Carson Guard.
100 years ago
Tomorrow and Friday nights the Carson City theater will show the sensation of the season, Gladys Brockwell in “The Devil’s Riddle,” fresh from Fox studios and pronounced on of the corporation’s greatest successes.
80 years ago
Officers of the Carson City Exchange Club reported today that Grant Rice has been picked as the clubs rider in the donkey race to be staged down Carson street on the day of the celebration of Nevada’s 76th year in the Union.
60 years ago
Louis Dragna today was seeking a federal court injunction against the “little black book” handed out to Nevada gamblers by members of the state gaming control board and gaming commission. The book reportedly contains the names of “undesirables” not wanted in casinos or clubs.
40 years ago
A Vietnam War veteran wanted for questioning in an attempt to extort $10 million from Caesar’s Tahoe by threatening to poison the hotel casino’s water supply, said today he was not at Lake Tahoe when the extortion notes were planted.
140 years ago
Bulldozing on the Comstock. A correspondent from Virginia City assures the Appeal that Col. Fair is discharging Republicans from the mines whose names appear on the rolls of Republican clubs, and Republican miners dare not appear in procession for fear of discharge. This is bulldozing as bad as ever practiced in the South.
130 years ago
William Pickler announces that he has withdrawn from the Democratic ticket. “Leaf by leaf the roses fall.”
100 years ago
Senator Charles B. Henderson arrived in this city last evening on his rounds of the state. He left Yerington yesterday and spend a short time in Gardnerville and other points along the route.
80 years ago
Second Lieutenant Gene Robens and Second Lietenanat Melvin Ruedy, Nevada national guard members inducted into the U.S. army for duty at selective service headquarters in this state have received orders to report at Camp Murray, in the state of Washington, and will probably leave Carson tomorrow.
60 years ago
“More of it,” said Hank Monk this morning when asked what the weather would be tomorrow. “Nothing wrong with this,” he added, “so let’s keep it. “Trick or Treat” is for kids on Halloween, not for Mother Nature.
40 years ago
Nevada’s gambling industry is proving an island of stability in a seas of national economic difficulties, but not without effort or cost. Revenues rose more than 20 percent but with more spend for tour packages, junkets and promotions.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.