Cody Witt with a big pile of green waste recycled during 2020 into a range of soils and mulches. Full Circle Compost Photo
With help from the green waste recyclers along the Sierra Front, Full Circle Soils & Compost reported a record-breaking compost year in 2020.
Full Circle Compost kept a total of 87,088.24 cubic yards of organic materials out of the landfill. That’s equal to filling the Wolfpack’s football field 41-feet high with yard waste, spokesman Cody Witt said.
The volume this material weighed was an impressive 40,164.28 tons
That weight is equal to 16,257 Tesla Model S cars. And the greenhouse gases that were avoided by composting all of that material rather than throwing it into the landfill is equivalent to pulling 29,218 cars off the road (based on the EPA WARM model).
Full Circle’s green waste recycling program has grown to include many municipalities and organizations around northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe, including:
Incline Village’s fire prevention pine needle composting program
South Lake Tahoe’s fire prevention pine needle composting program
South Lake Tahoe’s commercial food waste program
Truckee, California’s commercial food waste program
Carson City’s residential organic materials composting program
University of Nevada’s organic materials composting program
Many landscape organizations’ organic materials composting programs
Many construction and excavation organizations’ organic materials composting programs
Full Circle converted the whole amount into Nevada-made compost, soils, and mulches to help increase the health of local soils.
Witt asked residents to promote composting by using local compost made from locally recycled materials.
For more information about Full Circle’s all-natural Nevada compost, soil blends, and mulches that create nutrient-rich soils visit