Classic cars line up along Esmeralda Avenue on Thursday as part of the Hot August Nights Poker Run in Minden. Vehicle-related events continue Friday and Saturday this week.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
Boy Scout Troop 33 and Troop 20 are hosting the 7th annual Send a Scout to Camp Car Show 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 14 at Fuji Park.
Participants may register or sign up on the day of the show.
“We would appreciate early registrations,” organizer John Hefner said.
for the registration forms.
Visit for registration forms.
Because the event is outside, no masks are required, though organizers asked anyone who feels ill stay home.
“We remain positive that we can hold a safe event and protect the scouts and participants,” Hefner said. “We have some great auction items ranging from transmission services, dinners and hotel packages to massages. The public is encouraged to come to the show and see all the beautiful cars and bid on the items.”
All funds raised from this event go to sending a scout to camp. Recently, Scouts from Troop 33 went to Camp Meriweather in Oregon and Scouts from Troop 20 attended Summer Camp at Camp Fleischmann in California. This show has allowed scouts to earn the Triple Crown award which consist of visit three High Adventure camps in their scouting experience. These included hiking at Philmont in New Mexico, sailing at Seabase in Florida and canoeing at Northern Tier in Canada
“For many scouts such a trip would not have been possible without the generous help from these businesses and all who participated in past Car Shows which had over 125 participants,” Hefner said. “The Boy Scouts and Parents of Troop 33 are very thankful that we have such a supportive community.”
Auctions are at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Trophy’s will be awarded at 3 p.m.
Please contact at 775 720-6995 or email
The organization thanked their trophy sponsors and auction item donors that provided either $150 towards the sponsor of a trophy or provided an item to the auctions which will be held on the day of the show.
Trophy Sponsors
Bibee and Associates
Chop Shop Hair Garage
Click Bond Inc.
Double A Auto
Double J Auto
Greater NV Credit Union
Kustom Kreations
Les Schwab’s of Carson City north and south stores
Les Schwab's of Gardnerville
Mahe Law LTD
Orthro Pro
Remax Real Estate - Conny Merrill
Reno Carson Lumber
Rubert's Auto Body
T’s in Motion
Tractor Supply Co.
Taxman Richard Pettit
Webster Racing
Businesses Donating Auction Items
Greater Nevada Credit Union
Trader Joe's
Tahoe Sports
Eagle Valley Golf
Gold Dust West
Red's Old 395 Grill
Reno Automobile Museum
El Charro Avitia
Greenhouse Garden Center & Gifts
Carson Valley Transmission, Inc.
Battle Born Guns Ammo and Firearms
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino
Sassafras Restaurant
Kei Sushi
Lake Tahoe Balloons
Animal Ark
Sierra Custom Picture Framing
Skydive Lake Tahoe
Gold Hill Hotel and Crown Point
Silverland Hotel
Steamboat Hot Springs
Rocking and Rolling
Tahoe Sport Fishing Co.
Johnny Rockets
Scoups Ice Cream and Soup Bar
Benson's Feed and Tack
Stephan Rossan