101-year-old celebrates birthday with family

Fern Manning

Fern Manning


Fern Manning celebrated her 101st birthday with her family at Duke’s Steak House in November.

Son Wayne Manning said she was born Nov. 8, 1920, in Helena, Ark. The birthday at Duke’s is a family tradition. Fern celebrated her 100th birthday at the restaurant inside the Casino Fandango in Carson City.

She and her husband Jim moved to California in 1942 from Arkansas, where she raised two boys, Wayne and Mike.

In 2014 she moved to Minden from the Bay Area, where she currently resides.

“She loves to play cards with her family, and bridge with her many dear friends,” Wayne said of his mother.

Wayne has lived in Minden since 2001. He is the outgoing president of the Tahoe Corvette Club.


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