May 10 trial date set in eluding case involving a red Audi and a fake FBI badge

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It will be around four months until a man arrested in a May 1 vehicle pursuit involving a red Audi will face a jury.

Fabian Eloy Campos, 39, is facing up to life in prison as a habitual felon in addition to charges involved in the pursuit.

He has invoked his right to a speedy trial, which during any other time would mean within 60 days, but during the coronavirus emergency will take longer, District Judge Tod Young said Tuesday.

Campos was arrested May 1 after driving the Audi reported stolen in California down Highway 395 and then onto Johnson Lane. He reportedly flashed a fake FBI badge through the sunroof in an attempt to dissuade law enforcement. Deputies were able to stop him using a pursuit intervention technique.

Attorney Brian Filter sought Campos’ release on his own recognizance or a lower bail in a motion.

Young ruled that given Campos’ lack of connection to Douglas County, his criminal record and the significant time he’s facing should he be convicted, that he wouldn’t modify the $100,000 bail.

“There is a real danger of him not appearing and he has a history of violent offenses,” the judge said.

Young said May 10 would be the earliest date he could conduct a jury trial, by which time he hoped enough residents will have been vaccinated against the virus.

“I’m not going to require anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated to appear as a juror,” he said. “This will be the first trial.”

He encouraged Filter and the prosecution to meet in a settlement conference to see if they can work out an agreement before a May 10 trial date.

Campos waived his preliminary hearing in East Fork Justice Court after negotiations resulted in a deal. However, when he heard what the potential sentence would be he withdrew from the agreement and entered a not guilty plea.

An April 20 hearing has been set for attorneys to submit motions in the case.

• A 20-year-old Gardnerville man faces up to six years in prison after he admitted to child abuse involving sexual abuse on Monday.

Brandon Henery Arellano is not eligible for probation unless a psychosexual evaluation finds that he is not likely to reoffend.

Arrellano will have to register as a sex offender.

He was on a drug deferral that was revoked on Monday and ordered to remain in custody until his Feb. 22 sentencing.

• A 20-year-old man who snuck through a window to have sex with a 15-year-old on house arrest received a suspended sentence on Tuesday.

Luis Angel Caldera received an underlying sentence of 280 days in jail on a charge of unlawful contact with a child.

“I take full responsibility for my actions,” he said. “You will never see me in a court in a position like this again.”

• A Carson City woman had her drug deferral revoked and was ordered to serve a 12-30-month sentence.

Alibi Marie Smith, 22, admitted she’d travelled out of state, failed to appear in drug court and didn’t obtain a GED in violation of the terms of the deferral.

Smith was ordered to attend drug court in May 2018 after her February 2017 arrest. She admitted to a count of possession of a controlled substance for sale.

Smith was given credit for 224 days time served. She is still facing sentencing in a Carson City case where she is charged with possession of a controlled substance.

• A Gardnerville man, who admitted Monday to possession of a controlled substance will likely wind up in prison for a parole violation.

Kenton Luis Duffy, 61, has been in custody since Dec. 11 after was found with an open container and some methamphetamine. He was sentenced to 12-32 months in prison in March and was paroled in May.

A possession charge typically carries mandatory probation, but Duffy’s record could result in 1-4 years in prison when he’s sentenced Jan. 25.

• A woman who admitted to violating her probation was given 30 days in jail.

Cora Quin Martinez, 20, was convicted of a felony for assault with a deadly weapon on June 1.

She was taken into custody on Dec. 30. Martinez reportedly huffed dust-off. 

“I’ve been using occasionally,” she said. “I need to get help. One of my friends just died from it.”

• A Gardnerville man was granted probation on Jan. 4 after he admitted to being an ex-felon in possession of a firearm.

Shawn Eugene Conners was warned that if he so much as touches a firearm in the future he’s likely to face prison.

He was given a 16-40-month sentence that was suspended for 24 months.


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