Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is the beneficiary or
beneficiaries under a deed upon death executed by Joyce
E. Seddon and Earl Ashton Seddon on March 19, 2010.
Notice is further given that Joyce E. Seddon died on March
1, 2021, and Earl Ashton Seddon died on April 17, 2021.
A creditor having a claim against Joyce E. Seddon and/or
Earl Ashton Seddon or their estate must file this claim with the
undersigned at the address given below within ninety (90) days
of receiving this notice or ninety days (90) after the first
publication of this notice.Dated this 13th day of
July, 2021/s/ Robyn McCall, Beneficiary
Care of: Alling & Jillson, Ltd.
P.O. Box 3390
Lake Tahoe, NV 89449
Pub: 7/22, 29, 8/5,
2021 Ad # 1528