Douglas County Legal - 15393

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Pursuant to Section 
164.025 of the Nevada Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that Judith R. Varadi is the duly appointed 
and qualified Trustee 
of The Varadi Family Trust, including the Marital Trust and 
the Decedent’s 

Trust as established 

thereunder. Andrew 
G. Varadi, one of the Grantors of the 
above-named Trust, 

died on March 10, 
2021. Pursuant to NRS 164.025(a), any creditor having a 
claim against Andrew 
G. Varadi must file his or her claim with 
the undersigned. 

Further, pursuant 

to NRS 164.025(b), 
any creditor having 
a claim against the 
above-named Trust estates must file his or her claim with 
the undersigned. All 

claims must be filed by 
sending such claim(s) 
to the address given 
below within ninety (90) days after the 
first publication of this 

Notice. If notice has 
been provided to you 
by mail, the deadline 
to file a claim shall be 
ninety (90) days after 

the mailing of such 

Notice to you. 
Dated July 9, 2021
TRUSTBY: /S/ JUDITH R. VARADI, TRUSTEEc/o Kurt O. Hunsberger, Esq.Kristen D Matteoni Esq.Maupin, Cox & LeGoy
4785 Caughlin 
ParkwayReno, Nevada 89519775-827-2000
Pub: 7/24, 7/29, 8/5, 
2021 Ad # 15393