Douglas County legal -13875

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Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV )

Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power )

expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy )

Development charge, reset all components of the )

Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy ) Docket No. 21-03005

Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy )

Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy )

Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy )

Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and )

refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency )

Implementation Rate revenue received in 2020, )

including carrying charges. )

_____________________________________________ )

Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV )

Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power )

expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy )

Development charge, reset all components of the )

Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy ) Docket No. 21-03006

Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy )

Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy )

Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, and reset the )

Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate. )

_____________________________________________ )

Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV )

Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to ) Docket No. 21-03007

cancel Renewable Energy Program Rate Schedule REPR. )

_____________________________________________ )




On March 1, 2021, Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (“NPC”) filed with the Public

Utilities Commission of Nevada (“Commission”) an Application, designated as Docket No.

21-03005, for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses for the 12-month period ending

December 31, 2020. The Application also requests authorization to reset the Temporary

Renewable Energy Development (“TRED”) charge, reset Renewable Energy Program Rates

(“REPR”), reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates (“Base EEPR”), reset the Base

Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates (“Base EEIR”), reset the Energy Efficiency Program

Amortization Rate (“Amortization EEPR”), reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation

Amortization Rate (“Amortization EEIR”), and refund the total amount of Base EEIR revenue

received in 2020, including carrying charges.

NPC requests the following rates to be applied per kilowatt-hour (“kWh”):

Rate ($/kWh) 2020 2021

TRED (all residential schedules) $0.00075 $0.00076

TRED (all non-residential schedules) $0.00068 $0.00083

REPR (all residential and non-residential schedules) $(0.00028) $0.00043

Amortization EEPR credit $(0.00047) $(0.00095)

Amortization EEIR credit $(0.00001) $(0.00002)

Base EEIR (residential single-family class (“RS class”))$0.00023 $0.00020

Base EEPR (RS class)$0.00244 $0.00233

NPC states that, consistent with the Commission’s Order in Docket No. 13-04014 and the

resulting modifications to NAC 704.9523(4), NPC is proposing to refund the total amount of EEIR

revenue received in 2020, including carrying charges, on a class-specific basis, which NPC

states results in a total refund of $4,851,534. NPC further states that of the $4,851,534 total,

$2.4 million was recovered from the RS class and that the refund of this amount will result in an

adjustment credit for the RS class of $0.00032 per kWh.

Pursuant to paragraph 468 of the Commission’s December 19, 2018, Modified Final Order

in Docket No. 17-06003, and as directed to continue in this filing pursuant to pages 28-29 and

Ordering Paragraph 2, of the Commission’s January 28, 2021, Modified Final Order in Docket

No. 20-06003, NPC filed its earning sharing calculation. NPC states that the 2020 earnings

sharing amount, grossed up for taxes, is $61,757,000.

Pursuant to NAC 704.0097, NPC requests a deviation from NAC 701B.140(a), 701B.495(a),

and 701B.675(a).

On March 1, 2021, Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (“SPPC”, together with

NPC, “NV Energy”) filed with the Commission an Application, designated as Docket No. 21-

03006 (“Application”), for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses for the 12-month

period ending December 31, 2020. The Application also requests authorization to reset the

TRED charge, reset REPR, reset the Base EEPR, reset the Base EEIR, reset the Amortization

EEPR, and reset the Amortization EEIR.

SPPC requests the following rates to be applied per kilowatt-hour (“kWh”):

Rate ($/kWh) 2020 2021

TRED (all residential and non-residential schedules) $0.00089 $0.00081

REPR (all residential and non-residential schedules) $(0.00249) ($0.00078)

Amortization EEPR credit $(0.00022) $(0.00058)

Amortization EEIR credit $(0.00002) $(0.00005)

Base EEIR (residential single-family class (“D-1 class”)$0.00018 $0.00017

Base EEPR (D-1 class)$0.00217 $0.00207

SPPC states that, consistent with the Commission’s Order in Docket No. 13-04014 and the

resulting modifications to NAC 704.9523(4), SPPC did not exceed the authorized return, and

therefore, is not required to refund the Base EEIR revenue received in 2020.

Pursuant to NAC 704.0097, SPPC requests a deviation from NAC 701B.140(a), 701B.495(a),

and 701B.675(a).

On March 1, 2021, SPPC filed with the Commission an Application, designated as Docket No.

21-03007, for approval of natural gas expenses and to cancel Renewable Energy Program Rate

Schedule REPR.

SPPC states that the Application does not propose any DEAA changes because SPPC

changes the gas division’s DEAA each quarter. In Docket 20-02028, the Commission approved

SPPC’s request to transfer any remaining balance in the Solar Thermal Demonstration Program’s

regulatory asset to the appropriate deferred energy balance. SPPC states that the remaining

balance in the regulatory asset at the end of the amortization period was transferred to the

appropriate energy balance.

SPPC states that it is not proposing to adjust its BTER in this case. SPPC states that it filed

four quarterly BTER adjustments for its gas operations during the Deferral Period.

NV Energy filed the Applications pursuant to the Nevada Revised Statutes (“NRS”) and the

NAC, Chapters 703 and 704, including, but not limited to, NRS 704.110 and 704.187. Pursuant

to NRS 703.190 and NAC 703.527 et seq., NV Energy requests that certain material in its

Applications receive confidential treatment.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commission has scheduled a CONSUMER SESSION in

these Dockets to be held telephonically as follows:


6:00 p.m.

Live telephone conference: 877-820-7831

Access code: 668657

Interested persons may appear telephonically and be heard regarding the above-captioned

matter and the effect this matter may have on their utility service. A representative from NV

Energy will be present telephonically at the consumer session to answer questions. Public

comments may be limited to five minutes per person.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commission has also scheduled a HEARING in these

Dockets to be held as follows:


10:00 a.m.


The hearing may be continued from day to day as necessary. The parties will appear and

otherwise participate in the hearing remotely via Microsoft Teams. Members of the public can

access the hearing at the time noticed herein via the Commission’s live stream link on its website


The parties should provide the email address, title/role in associated business or organization,

and business address for each person who intends to participate via Microsoft Teams to

Commission Administrative Attorney Jared Aranda at no later than Friday,

August 27, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.

The Commission is not responsible for providing clerical or administrative assistance or

materials to parties during Commission proceedings. If such assistance is necessary, parties

must make other arrangements for this type of assistance.

The filing is available for public viewing on the Commission’s website: and at

the offices of the Commission: 1150 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 and 9075

West Diablo Drive, Suite 250, Las Vegas, Nevada 89148. Members of the public may attend a

live audio and/or video broadcast of the aforementioned proceedings at the Commission’s offices

on the times and dates listed in this notice.

By the Commission,



Assistant Commission Secretary

Dated: Carson City, Nevada




1,3 NPC requests a different Base EEIR for each rate class.

2,4 NPC requests a different Base EEPR for each rate class.

Pub: June 10, 2021 Ad#13875


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