A CH-47 arrived at Douglas High School early on Tuesday for the annual Douglas High School Service Orientation Day. The helicopter was available for tours and briefings as students asked questions about aviation and the capabilities of military helicopters. Photo by Michael Freemyer
Genoa, Nev. — Veterans Day celebrations start at 0900 today in Gardnerville. Gardnerville Elementary School’s annual Veterans Day Assembly will see two assemblies with third through fifth grades at 9-10 a.m. and the pre-Kindergarten through second grade at 10:15-11 a.m. The Douglas County Community and Senior Center and the Suicide Prevention are hosting a Veterans Day Appreciation also at 9 a.m.
Douglas County Marines are celebrating the 246th birthday of their service 6 p.m. today at the Douglas County Judicial & Law Enforcement Center.
I’m following up on a collision near the Centerville roundabout that resulted in the ejection of a driver from a vehicle around 4 p.m. Tuesday, in addition to the major pile-up at 50 and 395 that claimed two lives and had that intersection for five hours.
A town hall at the CVIC Hall for U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown and Foothill candidate for governor Fred Simon occurred Tuesday night. Both men are underdogs in their races, even though Simon was the first of the stampede Republican gubernatorial candidates to announce. Brown is facing heavily favored former Attorney General Adam Laxalt in the Republican primary.
All government offices will be closed on Thursday for Veteran’s Day. Eastside Memorial is hosting a flag retirement ceremony at 11 a.m. The Carson Valley Inn is continuing its tradition of a free spaghetti lunch for veterans and a guest on Thursday.
My final count from Tuesday morning’s rainstorm was .95 inches. Minden reported .35 inches for the official county, which is almost twice the average for Nov. 9. November tends to be a middling rain producer, with an average of .79 inches.
Expect sunny skies and a high temperature near 64 degrees today. The weather will warm up a smidge over the next week, with no forecast precipitation through Tuesday.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at khildebrand@recordcourier.com