Flags decorate the graves of veterans at Eastside Memorial Park in Minden on Veterans Day.
Photo by Sarah Drinkwine.
Remembering fallen heroes
On my trip we went to the beach at Normandy to the cemetery where our brave men are buried. What a nice place it is. As you walk in, there are soft chimes playing in the background and then you come to some gravestones.
Some with the names an unknown soldier, dated June 6, 1944. It is so far.
There was a worker there at the gravestone with the name of a fallen soldier on it. He was rubbing wet sand in the name of the soldier on the gravestone and placed some nice flowers at the base.
We asked what the sand was for, and he told it us made the name stand out almost gold on the all-white tombstones. He said it’s for the family. He will take a picture for the hero’s loved ones to send back home.
As we were about to leave, I heard the sound of taps and all the visitors stood at attention and faced the flag and placed their hands on their hearts, as I did.
As our flag was lowered, it was folded nicely three corners and handed to a family that was there for a visit to a loved one’s grave. My thanks goes out to the French government and people for caring for this beautiful place that means so much to us after all these years.
Vern McKerrihan
No ski club programs this season
We regret to inform our club members, families, and friends that none of the Douglas County Ski/Board programs will be running during the 2021-22 season.
Despite the stalwart support and efforts of our partners, Vail Resorts, Inc., (Heavenly), Douglas County School Transportation Department, and Douglas County Parks & Recreation, the intricate COVID-19 requirements involved with our members, chaperones, transportation, lessons logistics, and lodge access just won’t allow us to provide the safe and friendly environment we feel is needed to make our all-volunteer programs a success.
We hope next season will see a change in these requirements and the continuation of our more than 60-year legacy of introducing our local children to the amazing outdoor adventures we have in our back yard.
Please do not forget about us for next season as we hope and pray that we can continue our heritage programs into the future. If you can, get out to the mountain this winter, enjoy any of its many uses,
Bob Cook, Zephyr Cove Ski Club
Robert Pumphrey, Douglas County Saturday Ski Club
Patrick Clark & Jim Simpson, Douglas County Sunday Ski Club
Thanks for the support
In June 2021 my wife Monica and I, through social media, made the announcement of her being diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease sometime ago and expressed our need of a kidney transplant.
After the announcement of her disease, a GoFundMe account was established along with several fundraisers including a dodgeball tournament. Our community, as always, really stepped up to help us out. We wanted to thank all of the people in this community, our extended family, churches, businesses, and service groups. We just learned in the past month that we have a live donor for my wife and she will have kidney transplant surgery next week in San Francisco.
Again, thank you to everyone in our community, we really appreciate the support.
Will, Monica and Jacob Lynch
Thank you for collection
Thank you for supporting Douglas County Historical Society in so many ways. The articles announcing The Record-Courier event were great.
It is wonderful that we had people like Hope Falcke in this Valley, who cared enough to save papers over a period of time. The enjoyment the museum's visitors experienced on Saturday was clearly visible. It was fun to watch as guests found a name or an event that meant something to them.
Joyce Hollister knew just where to bring the boxes of papers that Hope had saved. The Collections Committee is considering putting papers out one more time.
It may be way in the future as we all know this time of the year gets busy with Holiday Happenings.
For researching news stories all Record-Couriers are accessible at Douglas County Library.
Again, thank you very much for making Saturday known to our community.
Linda L Reid
Collections Chair
Douglas County Historical Society
Complaining about Biden
Closing in on the first year of Joe Biden’s term as president, let me list some of his most infamous acts:
1. Shutting down the Keystone Pipeline resulting in higher gasoline prices by at least $1 per gallon.
2. Opening our borders to illegal aliens or as his administration calls them “Undocumented “.
The result is thousands of these individuals are entering our country subsidized by his administration, (our taxpayer dollars), plus many of them have been exposed to COVID without any protection for those who are in contact with them.
3. The Afghanistan withdrawal. His hasty exit stranded many Americans and Afghans and additionally he abandoned billons of dollars military equipment to be used by our enemies.
4. COVID. His handling of the pandemic has resulted in more deaths and useless restrictions for all Americans.
His administration continues to lie and reverse itself on this issue.
5. The economy. He is responsible for the highest inflation increase in years,
resulting in higher costs for goods and services.
6. Foreign Policy. He is considered a joke by leaders of other nations. Domestically, goods are stranded at our ports in Southern California and his plan to solve this problem has failed.
7. His $trillion social plans are not endorsed by most Americans, they are vague at best and he wants Americans to believe it will cost them $0 in tax dollars.
8. His demeanor. He appears to be confused at best in public. He denied any knowledge about reimbursing illegals $450,000 per person then he reversed his position. Who is responsible for this preposterous “law”? Who is really in charge of this country?
Finally, his policies are a mix of fascism and socialism, he is trying to change America by increasing government control over its citizens and taking away many of their rights.
Kenneth M. Bezich