WATER NO. 91145
GIVEN, that on the
13th day of September
2021 The R&S Mac
Millan Trust of Altadena,
California made
application to the State
Engineer of Nevada for
permission to change
the point of diversion
and place of use of
0.09 c.f.s., 20.0 a.f.a.
of water heretofore
appropriated under
Permit 64970. Water
will be diverted from an
underground source at
a point located within
the SE1/4 NW1/4
Section 32, T13N,
R21E, MDB&M or at
a point from which the
E1/4 corner of said
Section 32 bears S 77
degrees 30 minutes
53.69 seconds E, a
distance of 3,885.6
feet (near intersection
of Calle Hermosa &
Calle Pequeno in Minden,
NV). Water will be
used for irrigation and
domestic purposes
from January 1st to
December 31st of
each year. The existing
point of diversion
was located within
the SE1/4 NW1/4
Section 32, T13N,
R21E, MDB&M or at
a point from which
the SE corner of said
Section 32 bears S 37
degrees 57 minutes 54
seconds E, a distance
of 4,409.27 feet. Water
was used for irrigation
and domestic purposes
from January 1st
to December 31st of
each year.
Adam Sullivan, P.E.
State Engineer
Pub: October 7,
14, 21, 28, 2021.