A tree along Jacks Valley Road stopped this vehicle from ending up in Sierra Creek on Monday afternoon in this photo submitted by a Genoa resident. The occupant was taken for medical treatment by East Fork medics.
Genoa, Nev. — A proposal by Park Ranch Holdings to subdivide a 6.73-acre parcel off Buckeye Road at the future Muller Lane Parkway into 20 parcels goes before planning commissioners 1 p.m. today. The site shares a driveway with Minden’s maintenance facility. Planning commissioners are being asked to recommend the request to commissioners.
A metal recycler is seeking a zone change and special use permit
to establish a 26,200-square-foot plant on nine acres located along Heybourne Road south of Airport Road next to Minden-Tahoe Airport. The site would be used to recycle concrete, asphalt, metal and wood, according to a letter on behalf of A&S Metals.
School board trustees are scheduled to hear reports from school principals at their meeting set for 4 p.m. today at Whittell High School. A request to refinance the district’s 2012 bonds is also on the agenda. You can listen by visiting www.dcsd.k12.nv.us and clicking on board meetings.
If you’re looking for an opportunity to volunteer, an expo is 3:30-6 p.m. today at the Douglas County Community & Senior Center put on by the Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce. Email alicia@carsonvalleynv.org for more information.
A couple of furry suspicious types are wandering around the north Valley this morning, including on Haystack up in Sunridge. We haven’t gone for very long without a bear call since fall fell, as the ursines bulk up for winter. On Friday afternoon, a bear attracted a lot of attention in Minden.
The last lingering road controls from Monday’s storm are on Highway 395 south of Walker to just north of Bridgeport this morning. Highway 89 over Monitor Pass and Highway 4 over Ebbetts Pass remain closed this morning.
A big old plume of moisture brought lake effect snows to the Sierra due south of Tahoe which left 4 inches of snow at Hagen’s Meadows. We’re under a freeze warning through Wednesday morning. The forecast calls for a high of 48 degrees under sunny skies.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at khildebrand@recordcourier.com