Jobs Peak might be barely visible in this photo taken from Muller Lane on Saturday. The smoke cleared enough on Saturday so helicopters could bring water to the fire.
The battle to contain the Caldor Fire has resulted in three first responders being injured overnight on Friday.
So far, the fire has resulted in seven injuries among first responders and two civilian injuries.
No fatalities have been reported as a result of the fire that has burned 334 square miles since Aug. 14, cutting a swath 44 miles long from just south of Pollock Pines to South Lake Tahoe and Kirkwood.
Firefighters are tackling the blaze directly in the eastern zone, holding it inside the containment lines.
They’ve had to avoid blazing logs rolling down hill sides and burning tree snags.
In addition to battling the fire back from Lake Tahoe, firefighters are hiking into the Desolation Wilderness. Helicopters were flying on Saturday thanks to a let-up in the smoke, supporting hand crews cutting fire breaks.
Fire officials held out hope that there might be further repopulation along the eastern front.
The evacuation of residents along Kingsbury Grade was lifted at noon Saturday, as was the evacuation warning for Foothill residents between Centerville and Muller lanes.
According to official reports the Caldor Fire burned five acres in 12 hours on Saturday.
As of 7 p.m., the acreage was 214,112 compared to the 7 a.m. report when it was 214,107 acres. The fire is 43 percent contained.