The Herman/Spence
1996 Trust; u.t.d. 3
October 1996; Notice
to Creditors; Notice
is hereby given that
Richard E. Spence is
the duly appointed and
qualified Successor
Trustee of the Herman/
Spence 1996 Trust,
u.t.d. 3 October 1996.
Margaret H. Herman,
Trustor of that Trust,
died on August 14,
2021. A creditor having
a claim against the
Trust estate must
file the claim with
the Richard Spence,
Trustee, at P.O. Box
1331, Minden, Nevada
89423-1131, within
ninety (90) days after
the first publication of
this notice.
Pub: September
16, 23, 30, 2021.