A bear peeks into a vehicle parked near the River Fork Ranch in Genoa early on April 16. Bears are out and about, so make sure there aren't any food items left in your vehicle and that the garbage is secure.
Tara Addeo
The Douglas County Board of Commissioners is accepting applications for an appointment to the Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife.
This board provides recommendations to the State Board of Wildlife Commissioners for setting seasons on fishing, hunting, and trapping, and other wildlife matters in Douglas County.
The appointed applicant would serve a term through Dec. 31, 2024, at which point, the appointee may re-apply for a 3-year term.
To apply online and to see the various board eligibility requirements visit https://www.douglascountynv.gov/government/county_boards_and_commissions.
Click on “Apply” to complete an application.
The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. Wednesday.
The appointment will be made at the May 5 county commissioners meeting. Douglas County is home to many species of wildlife, including bears, mountain lions, deer and a variety of smaller critters.