A year after the Caldor Fire cast a pall over many events, including Genoa’s traditional Candy Dance, coordinators are hopeful for a “normal” event this year.
“We’re trying to keep things moving along,” said Interim Genoa Town Manager Amanda Reid. “We missed a year with COVID and then last year we were coming out of it so there were still some concerns. This year we are hoping to get back into a more ‘normal’ candy dance.”
What started as a group of volunteers making candy as a fundraiser for town lights in 1919, has grown into an event that has boasted over 300 arts and craft, food and drink vendors, and of course home-made local candy, bringing more than 30,000 people to Genoa in the past.
“It is really a mutual effort from the town, its residents and surrounding areas to put on this event,” said Reid.
Like in 1919, volunteers are what drives the event.
“We rely on more than 200 volunteers throughout the weekend,” said Reid. “We literally could not run the event without them. The more volunteers the better.”
Volunteers are needed to make candy, work booths, direct traffic and more. Anyone interested in volunteering can email genoamanager@douglasnv.us or call 775-782-8696.
“We are thankful to the Town board, volunteers, residents and Friends of Genoa group who have helped me move everything along and bring all the pieces together to make it happen,” said Reid.