Hello Johnson Laners,
Boy Scout Troop 33 and Troop 20, based in Johnson Lane, held their 8th annual Car Show at Fuji Park in Carson City.
A record 191 vehicles registered for the show.
The scouts awarded more than 20 trophies for various classes and the Scout Choices Trophies for Car and Truck.
The winner for Scouts Choice car was Steve Chase with a 1958 BMW 600 and Scout Choice Truck winner was Enrique Martinez with a 1961 International Scout 80.
The quality of cars was outstanding for a Scouts’ car show. An interesting outcome from this show is you can compete with high-end show cars and still come out the winner as long, as the scouts like your vehicle the most. In addition, we had 16 vendors, Warren Engine Co. provided food and both Douglas County Sheriff and Carson City Sheriff brought out their toys to display as well.
All proceeds from the show go to send a Scout to camp which can be summer camp, high adventure trips or provide for camping expenses. This fundraiser has allowed many Scouts to have experience in scouting they can not receive in any other program.
The scouts and parents of Troop 33 and 20 wish to thank all the participants, vendors, deputies, trophy sponsors and those who donated auction Items to the show.
Without your assistance we couldn’t pull off what is becoming one of the best shows in the area during car show season. Thank you all very much.
Troop 20 is the only female Boy Scout Troop in the immediate area. The Troop formed back in May 2020 providing scouting experiences to any female who wants to enjoy the Boy Scout program.
Recently, Troop 20 celebrated the accomplishments of Caitlin Taylor. Caitlin earned the rank of Eagle Scout on Aug. 10.
She’s the first Eagle Scout in Troop 20 and the first female Eagle in the Carson Valley and Carson City area.
Her Eagle Project was to refurbish the front courtyard of St. Gall Catholic Church in Gardnerville. She led a team of youth and adults to powerwash, sand and paint the front benches and bell tower, sand and paint the front railings, sand and paint 14 pillar lights and cleaned up and added more rocks to the front planters. Over two days she led 40 youth and adults on the project. Her goal was to complete the project prior to the Easter celebration at the church.
Caitlin earned a total of 36 merit badges (as of her Eagle Board)– 15 more than the required 21 for the rank of Eagle and she plans to keep going earning as many of the 137 badges as she can.
She became interested in scouting at a very young age when she tagged along with her brothers when they were in Cub Scouts. She was very disappointed to learn that she could not participate in Boy Scouts when her brothers moved up. She listened to their stories of the fun they had on campouts and at the high adventure camps. She joined 4-H and is still an active member of Shooting Sports. When the opportunity came up for her to join Scouts BSA, she jumped at it. She was on a mission to get to Eagle. She had a plan and she followed her plan very purposefully.She made conscious choices to work on scouting activities rather than watch TV or just hang out. In a way the pandemic helped her, becausenew ways of earning merit badges became available as something to do during the shutdown. She wanted to get to the rank of Eagle in a shorter amount of time than it took her brothers. (she’s not competitive!)
Caitlin’s next goals in scouting are to go to the National Jamboree next summer and hopefully to a high adventure camp like Philmont or Sea Base. She plans to continue with her troop, providing leadership, camping, backpacking, hiking and learning new things.
Outside of scouting, Caitlin is also a member of the Douglas Dolfins competitive swim team based at the Carson Valley Swim Center. She was also a trumpet player for the CVMS Band. She also enjoys skiing, reading and cooking. This fall brings a new adventure of high school – she will be a freshman at Douglas and is looking forward to that new challenge.
As she progressed through her scouting ranks, she not only learned new skills but learned about herself as well. She wants to pursue a career in service to her community, possibly attending the U.S. Coast Guard Academy or one of the other service branches. Her Eagle Scout Court of Honor is still to be scheduled but will probably be in the October timeframe
Thank you for reading. Contact John Hefner at johnsonlanejournal@outlook.com