A drone shot of the big culvert installed at the Millberry Creek crossing, which washed out on Aug. 3. Highway 89 will be open in both directions for the Labor Day weekend, according to CalTrans.
Genoa, Nev. — The first month of the new fiscal year didn’t see great returns at the Stateline casinos, but they fared better than a lot of places across the state. The casinos had a gaming win of $31.8 million down from last year’s $32.2 million in July 2021. That was a 1.28 percent decline compared to Clark which is 3.3 percent down and Washoe’s 5.26 percent decline.
It may be a busier holiday weekend in Markleeville with both directions of Highway 89 open starting 4 p.m. Thursday until 6 a.m. Sept. 7, which should give the town some traffic.
Genoa Candy Dance dinner-dance tickets go on sale 9 a.m. today at https://www.genoanevada.org/visitors/candy_dance/candy_dance_tickets.php You can also buy tickets at the town offices. For more information, call 775-782-8696.
An excessive heat watch has been issued for the Labor Day weekend as temperatures approach 100 degrees in the forecast for Minden. Forecasters expect the weather to be sunny and hot into next week and advise residents to drink plenty of fluids.
The shift in the weather will bring smoke from two small fires burning southeast of Yosemite National Park. The 2,084-acre Red Fire and the 1,518-acre Rodgers Fire are being managed instead of full suppression, according to the National Park Service.
Air quality sensors in the Valley are indicating smoke is here, though not very thick. I’m seeing moderate readings at a few sensors but otherwise mostly good. We’ll see how that goes as the temperatures warm up.
There are a couple of spots in the high temperature record that might fall over the next few days. The record high for Thursday was 98 degrees set in 2005. Sunday’s record high temperature record was 100 degrees set in 1955.
It’s going to get hot, but we’ve seen hotter weather just a month ago. The warmest temperature I have in my records for the summer was 102 degrees on July 29, that was flanked by 101-degrees days.
Today expect sunny skies and a high near 96 degrees with the wind light picking up to 10-15 mph in the afternoon. Winds could gust to 25 mph.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at khildebrand@recordcourier.com or 775-782-5122.