Douglas High girls basketball

Douglas girls hoops bests McQueen, Spanish Springs

Douglas High's Aleeah Weaver extends for a layup Monday night against McQueen. Weaver had nine points for the Tigers in their win.

Douglas High's Aleeah Weaver extends for a layup Monday night against McQueen. Weaver had nine points for the Tigers in their win.
Photo by Carter Eckl.

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 Douglas High girls’ basketball had just 13 points at the halftime intermission against McQueen Monday night.
However, the Tigers were able to dial up a quality second half performance, picking up a 46-40 win over the Lancers.
Junior forward Addy Doerr, who finished with a team-high 13 points, spearheaded the second half storm for the Tigers.
Doerr’s first basket of the second half came after she grabbed an offensive rebound and tallied a putback bucket plus a foul.
After completing the 3-point play, Doerr hit Talia Tretton for a triple to bring Douglas within two, 25-23.
Aleeah Weaver hit Doerr for a layup a few moments later, which gave Douglas its first lead of the game.
“(Jason) Carter had a really inspirational halftime speech and it pumped us up, I think,” said Doerr. “We went into a triangle and one and put Aleeah on No. 1 so she would stop shooting, and it worked.”
Starting in the fourth qurter Weaver face guarded Talia Marini for McQueen, who had 11 points through the first three quarters.
Marini hit two 3-pointers to open the fourth quarter, but didn’t score in the final six-plus minutes with Weaver in front of her.
Up 41-39 inside of the final two minutes, Doerr stuffed a Lancer shot and earned two free throws on the other end to give Douglas a four-point lead.
From there, it was more defensive stops and free throw shooting on the other end, allowing Douglas to close out a season sweep of McQueen.
Doerr, who had 16 points in Friday night’s 37-19 win over Spanish Springs said her confidence had continued to grow throughout the season.

(Douglas High junior forward Addy Doerr lofts up a shot against Spanish Springs Friday night. Doerr has 29 combined points in the 
Tigers last two games. / Ron Harpin)

“I can just trust in my teammates to get me the ball. I have also gotten more confident with going up strong and being aggressive,” said Doerr of her own performance of late.
After Monday night’s win, it appears as though the Tigers have a lock on the No. 4 seed for the postseason.
If McQueen is able to beat Reno Friday night and Douglas wins its final two games, the Tigers will vault to the No. 3 seed.
As the No. 4 seed, Douglas will likely host McQueen again to open the postseason, assuming Reno wins its final two games of the season.
“It feels really good. We started off slow, like the first half was a little rough,” said Doerr. “In the second half we really came together and were on the same page.”
Campbell Dedmon had six points for Douglas Monday night in the second half while Katrina Butalon added five more.
UP NEXT: Douglas (14-7, 9-5) heads into its final two games of the regular season.
Tuesday night, the Tigers will be at home for Senior Night against Galena (9-14, 6-8) before traveling to Carson (3-16, 1-13) Friday night in the regular season finale.


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