Minden resident Ken Bezich captured this photo of Jobs Peak from Jake's Wetlands on Thursday morning. Today will see a break in the nice weather as another cold front rolls in
Genoa, Nev. — If your commute takes you to Reno this morning strap in for a bumpy ride as the Interstate 580 cameras are bouncing around in the wind. Also maybe don’t go in the motorhome since vehicles 9 feet or taller are prohibited.
County commissioners selected the redistricting option that retains most of the current configuration on Thursday. Genoa and Alpine View will remain in District 4, which will extend to Highway 395 north of Muller, with a bite out for Jacks Valley in the north.
Downtown Minden and Gardnerville are in District 2 while Chichester is in District 3. There’s a square of District 2 across the top of the Gardnerville Ranchos bounded by Jobs Peak Drive, Tilman Lane and Mitch Drive. The rest of Douglas County’s largest community is in District 1.
You can look all this up for yourself at www.douglascountynv.gov and scroll down to redistricting. Commissioners have to meet twice more before the district boundaries are set for the next decade. On Tuesday, Douglas County School Board Trustees are expected to endorse their district selection.
Genoans waived rental fees Wednesday for the Western Heritage Days to be held April 29-May 1. The Minden Town Board endorsed a lease agreement with the county for secure data storage at the Buckeye public works site.
Some rain may arrive after 7 a.m. today with the snow level rising to 6,800 feet. Otherwise, expect mostly sunny skies with a high temperature of 53 degrees. The wind will be out of the southwest at 15-20 mph, gusting to 30 mph.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at khildebrand@recordcourier.com or 775-782-5122.