July 13, 2022, R-C Letters to the Editor


Biomass facility not ‘cagey’


I think it is important that the misleading information in the July 7 letter titled “Alpine County Biomass Plant on November Ballot” be corrected.

Firstly, there is no firm proposal to construct a biomass facility in Alpine County.  There have been exploratory discussions regarding the possibility over the years, but that is all they are, exploratory.  The fact that exploratory discussions have been held has been fully disclosed to the public.  There is nothing “cagey” about it.

The letter alleges that “tribal representatives” have been part of any discussions.  That is not true.

The proponents of the initiative’s description of the adverse consequences of such a facility may in part be true for an industrial scale facility, but that has never been envisioned.  The exploratory discussions are about the possibility of a community scale biomass facility, which is much smaller.  These community scale facilities actually improve air quality over the alternative, which is pile burning, prescribed fire, and in the worst case, catastrophic wildfire.  The proponents were able to get plenty of signatures due to the misleading information they presented to voters.

There is plenty of time between now and the November election for those who are interested to learn the truth about community scale biomass facilities.  During that time the proponent’s various other false allegations will be addressed.

Even if the initiative is defeated there is no certainty that a biomass facility will ever be built.  It is simply one alternative to help reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire.

David Griffith


Douglas should rethink cannabis moratorium


As a cannabis professional living in Douglas County, I’ve been deeply disappointed by the cannabis establishment moratorium in our county. It’s time for a thoughtful re-examination.

Nevada has 86 dispensaries, and its cannabis industry employs approximately 10,000 Nevadans.

Of Nevada’s 17 counties, retail cannabis establishments exist in just 9 counties, all residing in the ten most populated counties - except Douglas.

The antiquated presumptions about Kurtcannabis and what these establishments could mean have kept us closed off. But what’s more tarnishing than the illegal 22-acre operation that recently had a raid conducted off Highway 395?

Cannabis will always play a role in our economy. Even the hemp industry is prospering in Douglas, with the fundamental defined difference of containing under .3 percent THC. There clearly isn’t a lack of interest in the plant. There are two retail license holders in Douglas that for years have been unable to act further on their licenses.

A survey of 1,000 cannabis consumers and potential users in five legalized states, including 200 interviews from a representative sample in Nevada, concluded 28 percent of Nevada adults purchased cannabis in the past six months; and 15 percent of the adult population “potential users” planning to buy in the next six months. Of those buyers, 28 percent purchase a few times a month; 19 percent once a week; and 19 percent a few times a week.

We’ve kept highly regulated establishments, professionals and consumers at bay. A petition to lift the ban gathering over a hundred signatures went unheard. Meanwhile, the ACLU reports the racial disparity rates in cannabis arrests is 3 times higher for black people in Douglas.

Douglas residents rejected the Nevada Marijuana Legalization Initiative; as did 13 other counties. Yet six of those counties now have active establishments.

There’s no question why: capability for tremendous amounts of taxable revenue.

The Nevada Department of Taxation and Cannabis Compliance Board released figures showing $1,003,467,665 of taxable sales over FY2021.

Clark County: $791,100,017

Washoe County: $135,326,790

All other counties: $77,040,859

The median population of “all other counties” is 51,591; while the median population of all nine counties is 53,702. To compare, the combined populations of White Pine/Churchill/Humboldt counties are 51,881. Douglas is 49,488.

Douglas hypothetically replacing the above three markets is 18.86 percent of the state’s taxable sales or $14,529,906. A combined 2.5 percent County sales tax and 3 percent County excise tax would’ve resulted in 5.5 percent direct tax revenue. Estimated loss in revenue for Douglas FY2021 is approximately $799,144. 

Nearly a million dollars that could have impacted our community.

Surrounded by counties in Nevada and California putting cannabis to good use, we’re due to remove the moratorium and correct this critical misstep. We deserve freedom for cannabis consumers, professionals and taxable sales to remain in our county.

Derrick Miles

Indian Hills

Why didn’t you run again?


Mr. Engels, if you did such a great job, why didn’t you run again? The answer in my opinion is that your beliefs no longer align with those of your constituents. 

You claim a win when it comes to voting against the events center. Didn’t it pass? Unless mine eyes are deceiving me, I’m pretty sure I see a big, beautiful building where the Mont Bleu parking lot used to be. You’ve never understood the financing or economic impact of that event center. You clearly don’t understand the impact tourism has on Douglas County.

You claim another victory in voting against every housing project in our county. How many of those passed? What you have failed to understand is that our county needs growth. If we don’t grow, we die. Certainly, that growth has to be, to use some county buzzwords from the past, reasonable and sustainable. Infrastructure coupled with growth is how counties thrive. Zero growth is never the answer.  

I thought you were for less government not more, yet your self-proclaimed accomplishments are all about more legislation. 

The answer to your last question is simple. I didn’t run for county commissioner because that space is reserved for retired transplants.

I am born and raised here in Douglas County. I didn’t just happen upon here, realize how amazing this place is, and then try to keep it for myself with terrible legislation, anti-growth initiatives, and a hatred for tourism. I grew up here, I love it here, and I think a place this special should be shared with the world.

Markus Zinke


Pops celebrate July 4


Reaching out and giving back to the wonderful Douglas County community, the Carson Valley Pops Orchestra, under the rhythmic baton of renowned conductor CJ Birch, presented a spirited concert under sunny skies with a slight, balmy breeze in Gardnerville’s Heritage Park celebration of July 4. 

Opening with nostalgic renditions of the “Star Spangled Banner,” followed by “The Washington Post March” and the beloved Henry Fillmore’s “Americans We,” the music continued to delight the audience. 

From infants to respected seniors, homage was given to those who served in our military branches as the orchestra performed the “Armed Forces Salute.” Honoring their outstanding military service to our country, members in the audience proudly stood up and received a warm round of applause for their dedication.

To the exuberant glee of the audience, the Pops continued with energetic interpretations of the familiar “Semper Fidelis,” as well as “God Bless the U.S.A,” the “National Emblem,” and the beloved “America the Beautiful.” 

Concluding with John Philip Sousa’s “The Stars and Stripes Forever,”  the artistry of our own Carson Valley Pops Orchestra is a dynamic, engaging part of Douglas County and affords the creative spirit of the many accomplished  musical volunteers  who come together to make our community special and more viable.

Robin Sarantos



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