Pollination is the buzz word this June

A swarm of bees in a tree north of Genoa at the end of April moved on within a day.

A swarm of bees in a tree north of Genoa at the end of April moved on within a day.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.

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Encouraging pollinators doesn’t require keeping bees, but simply sharing the buzz.

With proclamations and meetings, a film and even a Lego contest, Douglas County Extension College of Agriculture is celebrating the important jobs bees have helping produce flowers, fruits, vegetables and nuts.

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Educator Lindsey Chichester said she’s noticed during the past three years people became more self-sufficient and interested in growing their own food and learning how they can be more sustainable.

“We learned in 2020 that people couldn’t access the food they wanted, which resulted in an uptick in growing their own,” she said in a story in the 2022 Almanac.

Chichester was referring to the effects the coronavirus had on people and the struggle stores had keeping food and items on their shelves, as a result people needed to find other resources and pollinators became the saving grace for many.

The coronavirus wasn’t the first time, pollinators have played such a roll, humans have been relying on them for thousands of years and in Carson Valley, it’s how some of the oldest apple orchards keep producing.

As Chichester puts it on the Douglas County Extension College of Agriculture website, Douglas County is the perfect blend of beauty, agriculture, history, ruggedness and convenience, and much of that is thanks to pollinators.

In celebration of the insects that keep on buzzing, the Douglas County Extension College of Agriculture is conducting a series of activities throughout June to involve the community and spread awareness and education about pollination.

“There are numerous educational components, but also some fun challenges that our community partners like the Douglas County Libraries and the Nature Subconservancy are helping with,” said Chichester.

From the Douglas County Library’s Summer Lego Challenge “pollinators,” to the Community Gardner Q& A sessions, there is something for everyone, both professional and young pollinator enthusiasts to enjoy.

The finally event is a picnic with pollinators 4 p.m. June 29 at the Dangberg Ranch Park.

“It’s a family friendly event to celebrate and learn about pollination,” said Chichester.

During the event guests can enjoy a picnic dinner provide Café Girasole, music by Brain Lester and Busted Chops, a pollinator fashion show, educational material, a silent auction and more. There will be face painting and other child friendly activities.

For more information and details of events call Lindsay Chichester or Jessica Gardner at the UNR Extension Office 775-782-9960.

Pollinators upcoming events:

Summer Lego Challenge. The Douglas County Library Minden and Lake Tahoe branches are conducting a pollination challenge where builders create something out of Legos inspired by pollinators. The challenge is through June. Awards will be provided by the UNR Extension. For more information visit library.douglascountynv.gov

Storytime with pollinators. Both library branches will have pollination themed story times. For dates, times and more information visit library.douglascountynv.gov

Xerces XKids. Xerces XKids and the Incredible Invertebrates activities at Douglas County Public Library. For more information visit library.douglascountynv.gov

Garden Talk. The Community Garden Q&A Sessions with Jessica Gardner, Horticulture Outreach Coordinator 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Heritage Park.

Wine Walk. Thirsty Third Wine Walk the Extension boot will host a honey tasting and hydration on the lawn of the Historical Society Building.

Pollinator Bingo. Pollinator Bingo 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. June 25 at the Nature Conservancy River Fork Ranch.

Film Screening. “My Garden of a Thousand Bees” will show June 24 at the United Methodist Church. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. show starts 7 p.m. Popcorn and drinks available. Free to public.

Art Event. The Encaustic Art Event June 20. Times vary and registration is required.

Picnic with Pollinators. The Picnic with Pollinators is 4 p.m. June 29 at the Dangberg Ranch Park. Tickets for purchase.


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