The Douglas County Sheriff's Office had the overall winner in the Carson Valley Days Parade on Saturday.
Photo by Ron Harpin.
Anyone wanting to enjoy the 76th annual Carson Valley Days Parade will have to be in town early, and not just because the roads close at 8 a.m. with temperatures forecast to hit the 90s this weekend.
Highway 395 through the towns of Minden and Gardnerville shuts down 8-11 a.m., but it’s not the only closure involved with the parade, which begins at 9 a.m.
Organizers expect more than 70 floats featuring businesses, politicians, service clubs to participate in the parade, with registration at Douglas High School starting around 7 a.m.
Entries then make their way through the Minden roundabout to County Road and jogs over to Minden Park, where the town will be serving pancakes and eggs next to the CVIC Hall. Access around Minden will be limited in the two hours preceding the parade.
The Carson Valley Parade officially starts at Minden Park and marches down Esmeralda Avenue on its way down the highway to Waterloo Lane.
Expect Highway 395 from Buckeye Road to Waterloo Lane to be closed 8-11 a.m. during the parade. There will be an alternate route for motor vehicles passing through for both north and south bound traffic. No vehicles will be allowed to park along the parade route.
The 2022 Grand Marshal dedication goes to the Douglas High School Block D club, said 20/30 Club past president Tommy Lovell.
Traditionally, Citizen of the Year is the Grand Marshal in the following years parade.
“Because Ernie Monfiletto moved out of state after retirement, I thought it would be a good idea to pay tribute to club he started at Douglas High School,” Lovell said. “I told him, and he agreed that he'd rather see the students benefit from the honor of being Grand Marshal.”
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is reminding parade goers to stay out of the road and remain on the sidewalk, so they don’t interfere with the parade’s progress.
“It is advised to maintain your possessions, including cell phone, wallet and other valuables and not to leave them in your car,” officials said. “Be cautious of the heat and dress for the weather.”
Douglas County Sheriff’s Office will be out in full force throughout Douglas County during the Carson Valley Day weekend.
“The sheriff’s office reminds the community to not drink and drive and to plan a ride home before you start drinking,” officials said. “Designate a sober driver, call a friend, take a cab or use a ride-share app, or else the blue and red lights will be your ride straight to jail.”
The carnival opens 5 p.m. Thursday at Lampe Park. Thursday is also buddy night where tickets can be purchased for buy one, get one half off price. Presale tickets are $30 and available at Raley’s and Accolades Trophies Engraving & Gifts in Gardnerville and Nevada State Bank in Minden. Tickets are $35 at the park.