Erickson Aircraft Collection’s “Ye Olde Pub” B-17 Flying Fortress lumbers over Carson Valley over the weekend in this photo taken by Carson Valley resident Debby Beadle.
Genoa, Nev. — A couple of projects are in the pipeline for Gardnerville. The Stodick Parkway Maverik, which has a new project manager, is ready to restart the process. The 51-unit Martin Meadows at Gilman and Chichester Drive could break ground at any time, according to Gardnerville Town Manager Erik Nilssen’s report to the board.
Gardnerville Town Board members are discussing permitting the installation of a plaque at the site of the former East Fork Hotel on the 130th year of its construction. It was torn down in 2014. The town board meets 4:30 p.m. today at the Gardnerville town offices, 1407 Main Street.
Members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board are taking a tour of the Tahoe South Events Center in Stateline starting 3:15 p.m. today. People can join them on the tour, but it’s too late to get on the bus. They hold their meeting after the tour at the Zephyr Cove branch of the Douglas County Library at 6 p.m.
The flower baskets along Main Street should be coming down today in Gardnerville. They might have a little while left in them, but best to go out on top.
Expect sunny skies and a high temperature near 81 degrees. A light breeze will pick up out of the north at 5 mph this afternoon. Still no freezes in the forecast.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at or 775-782-5122.