Carson High girls soccer

Carson High girls soccer takes down Douglas

The victory is the Senators' first over Douglas since 2016

Addy Morgan winds up to shoot at Douglas High Tuesday evening. Morgan tallied a goal and an assist in the Senators' 4-0 win over the Tigers.

Addy Morgan winds up to shoot at Douglas High Tuesday evening. Morgan tallied a goal and an assist in the Senators' 4-0 win over the Tigers.
Photo by Jeff Mulvihill, Jr. | InstaImage.

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(Carson's Alyssa Tomita cuts in between Douglas' Riley Lovec, left, and Seara MacPherson Tuesday afternoon. Tomita scored twice in the Senators' 4-0 win. / Jeff Mulvihill, Jr. | InstaImage)

UP NEXT: Carson ()

 (Douglas' ___ fends a Senator off fro the ball Tuesday evening in Minden. / Ron Harpin)


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