Notice is hereby given that the following
individuals are indebted to Stor-All at 1456
D. Industrial Way, Gardnerville, Nevada
89410 for past due rent and other charges.
Auction will be conducted pursuant to NRS
108.473 thru NRS 108.4783. Auction will
be conducted online at StorageTreasures.
com, starting April 12, 2023 ending April 19,
2023. Stor-All reserves the right to bid on any
unit. Sale of a unit is subject to cancellation in
the event of a settlement between Landlord
and obligated party.
Victor L Jordan - #232 5x10 Golf bag, bike,
tool boxes, old drums, fishing gear, etc.
Mike J Farkas - #213 5x10 armoire, utility
dolly, folding table, office chair, etc
Andrew Rempp - #471 5x10 bench,
mattresses, pot, shoe box, tote, corn hole, etc
Christa Franklin - #456 5x10 guitars, totes,
boxes, crates, books, mini fridge, etc
Adam Bridge - #505 5x10 Skiis, luggage,
barrels, books, totes, etc
Michael Rojas - #486 5x10 golf clubs, baby
gate, child’s bike, toys, bags, boxes, etc
Pub Date: April 5, 12, 2023 Ad # 32246