The dam at Silver Lake is starting to show some open water in the high Sierra as warm temperatures continue to melt the ice. Photo special to The R-C by Denny Redford
Hello fellow anglers.
Opening day is finally here and most of our higher lakes still are covered with ice. Opening day is Saturday when the rivers and streams of California will open to fishing.
While many of them will convert from catch and release with artificial lures or flies to catch and keep and allow anglers to use baiting methods, I urge all anglers to check the regulations for the specific bodies of water you will be fishing.
Some areas will stay catch and release all year while others may not open to fishing until later in the season. In Inyo and Mono county this will include lakes as well as rivers. With the heavy snowpack we have received this year, I strongly recommend that you stay out of any flowing rivers and to be aware of your surroundings. As the day progresses, the rivers will rise with the snow melt.
When I say snow melt, that means that the waters will be ice cold and could cause hypothermia if you are exposed for even a short amount of time. Unfortunately, with the strong currents, water temperatures and muddy waters many will not be fishable for a while. I recommend checking ahead of your trip for road closures and water conditions. Due to high water flows, many areas will not be planted with trout until later in the season closer to Memorial Day weekend. There will be plenty of people out on the road this weekend. This will be the first weekend of warmer temperatures. But keep in mind, some areas still get very cold at night. Bring your winter gear and be prepared. You can always layer down as the day warms up.
SILVER LAKE HIGHWAY 88: The lake is thawing, and it is dangerous to be on it right now. The lake is still covered in ice and has some open water by the dam.
CAPLES LAKE: The lake still has ice covering it. The Resort is closed and is scheduled to open on Memorial weekend. The day use area is closed, and they are still plowing and digging snow.
RED LAKE: As of last week, there were a few people out snowshoeing and cross country skiing. But with our warmer temps, the lake is thawing out and I recommend staying off the lake.
WOODS LAKE: Closed until mid-June.
BLUE LAKES: The road is open to the first gate. Scheduled to be open mid to late June.
BURNSIDE LAKE: Road closed.
INDIAN CREEK: The paved road from Highway 89 is closed. But the dirt road is open. I recommend using caution on the road if you go in. It has not been plowed past the entrance. Campground will be closed for the 2023 season.
CARSON RIVER WEST FORK ALPINE COUNTY: The river was running clear and high, and still had snow along the river. No fish plants are scheduled. For more information or if you’re looking for accommodations. Call the Creekside Lodge at 530-694-2511.
CARSON RIVER EAST FORK: The river is running very fast and muddy. The road is open to the Carson River Resort for the weekend as far as the river cabin. As of Monday, only resort guests will be allowed past Hangman’s bridge. This is due to the road construction to repair the damage done over the winter between the resort and the bridge. I spoke with the resort, and they still have openings for campers and RVers wanting to get out and enjoy this wonderful weekend. They might even have a cabin rental available. No fish plants are scheduled due to high waters. For more information call 530-694-2229.
TOPAZ LAKE: The lake level has been dropping a little to accommodate for the snow melt. The lake level is low enough to camp on the east shore in the Douglas Park area. Fishing has been fair for shore and trollers. NDOW planted the lake with rainbow trout recently.
TROUT CREEK, UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER, TAYLOR CREEK: All located in South Lake Tahoe and are closed to fishing until later in the year.
NDOW RECENT FISH PLANTS: Baily Pond, Mitch Pond, Seeman Pond, Wilson Common Pond, Davis Creek, Walker River West Fork, Topaz Lake, Mountain View No. 2 Pond.
TWIN LAKES: The upper lake still has plenty of ice on it. The lower lake is thawing, and the marina has been trying to break up the ice for the opening day. Call ahead for more information.
JUNE LAKE AREA: The four Loop lakes, June, Gull, Silver, and Grant are still iced up except a few very small spots of open water therefore marinas have not put in their docks or boats. I’d say there will be very little if any fishable water either on the lakes or from shore. Shore access by foot to lakes and creeks could be difficult in many areas.
The June Lake Loop Monster Trout Contest has been postponed until Memorial Day weekend.
No Forest Service campgrounds are open and there is virtually nowhere to disburse camp. The Loop Road (Hwy 158) is closed from the SCE power plant to the north end of Grant Lake. CalTrans is working hard to get this open before the weekend.
Rush Creek: does not open to fishing until the Saturday before Memorial Day as has been the case the past two years.
Backcountry fishing? Forget about it!
No trout plants have taken place by the state, county, or other local entities.
Upper Owens River: As of this past Wednesday Benton Crossing Road is not open to the Owens at Benton Crossing nor are any of the various dirt access roads. There’s likely too much snow anyways along the river but hopefully things will improve in a few weeks.
Lower Owens Wild Trout Section below Pleasant Valley Campground: Have not fished this since sometime in February due to road closures from heavy rains and high water levels rising from about 90 CFS to over 700 CFS as LADWP is lowering Lake Crowley for anticipated heavy Spring run-off. That high water may not drop to fishable levels until Summer.
Good luck on your next fishing or camping adventure. I hope to see you on the waters soon. If you get a picture of your catch, send it to Good fishin’ and tight lines.