Larry Dale Cheek of the FAA’s Reno Flight Standard District Office presents Tom O’Connor of the Douglas County Composite Squadron, Nevada Wing, Civil Air Patrol with the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. Photo by Eric Bero
The Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award was recently awarded to Capt. Tom O’Connor of the Douglas County Composite Squadron, Nevada Wing, Civil Air Patrol, at a ceremony at the Minden-Tahoe Airport.
The Wright Brother’s “Master Pilot” Award is the most prestigious award the FAA issues to pilots certified under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61.
This award is named after the Wright brothers, the first U.S. pilots, to recognize individuals who have exhibited professionalism, skill, and aviation expertise for at least 50 years while piloting aircraft as “Master Pilots”.
The nominee’s name, city and state of residence plus the month and year of the Master Pilot Award presentation will be posted to the electronic Roll of Honor after the award has been presented. The Roll of Honor can be found at
O’Connor is a mission pilot, flight instructor, and safety officer.