Gardnerville residents report illicit fireworks shows

Fireworks are illegal to possess or set off in Douglas and surrounding counties due to the danger of wildfire. Possession is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail.

Fireworks are illegal to possess or set off in Douglas and surrounding counties due to the danger of wildfire. Possession is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail.

Apparently, the one legal fireworks show in Gardnerville wasn’t sufficient for whoever is setting them off.

Residents reported fireworks going off in the vicinity of Heritage Park over the weekend.

East Fork Fire Marshal Amy Ray said she has received reports of at least two instances of impromptu fireworks shows, including from firefighters who’ve seen them in the sky.

Fireworks are illegal in Douglas County unless performed by someone licensed by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.

“Any event is also required to be reviewed and approved by our office,” she said. “We will inspect the set-up prior to commencement of any permitted show.”

She said that while the district would respond to any fire, firefighters would defer to the Sheriff’s Office for enforcement.

East Fork Fire Chief Tod Carlini said that setting off fireworks without a permit or license also violate state law.

“We will keep our eyes and ears open on this one,” he said. “We still have some serious potential for fire, and this includes some of the areas with green spaces between developments.”

Possession of fireworks is a misdemeanor punishable by a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail in Douglas County. The cost of extinguishing any fire set by fireworks can be charged to those responsible.


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