Time to reflect on the past year

Pastor Rich Lammay

Pastor Rich Lammay

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With Christmas behind us, it’s a great time to reflect on this past year and examine our lives for the New Year.  In our culture we call them; “New Years Resolutions”!  But reality is, most resolutions last about as long as a plate of Christmas cookies.   If we’re going to make lasting changes in our lives, they should be prompted by God and impowered by the Spirit.

When Jesus was in the garden just prior to his arrest, he told his men to watch and pray, but they kept falling asleep.  As he found them sleeping, he told them a powerful truth: (Matthew 26:41) “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Watch and pray, that’s something every follower of Jesus should take to heart.  We should be watching our lives, how we live, and how we represent the Lord.  We should always be motivated by love and seeking the Lord’s will in everything we do.

Then we need to be watching out for temptation.  This world is full of things that tempt us to sin.  And while no one will ever be sinless in their flesh, we should sin-less as we grow in our faith.

In Galatians chapter 5, the Apostle Paul gives us the best understanding of what Jesus said about the flesh being weak while the spirit is willing.  Galatians 5:16-17 says; “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”

Paul gives us some important truths and a powerful understanding of how we can overcome the weakness of the flesh.  First, the truth; When we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, we will not indulge in the sinful desires of the flesh.   When Jesus told his followers that he was going to heaven, he said; “It is good that I am going away.”  How could that be good?   He told them that unless he goes away, the Spirit would not come (John 16:7).   While on earth, Jesus limited himself to being in one place at a time.  But the Spirit abides with the entire church (all believers) all the time.   So, Paul’s words of encouragement should remind us, while there’s a conflict in the life of every believer, the weak flesh verse the powerful Spirit, we can overcome the flesh by walking in the Spirit’s power.  The Holy Spirit gives us the power to live godly, and power to be a witness for Jesus (Acts 1:8).

Back to our New Years Resolutions.  If you are not a follower of Jesus, consider the outcome of your life, where you’ll spend eternity.  Resolve to turn from your sin, trust in Christ and secure your eternal destiny.  If you are a Jesus follower, resolve to make 2024 the year that shines for Christ.   Let’s walk in the Spirit and be the church that represents Christ wherever we go and in whatever we do.

Pastor Rich Lammay of High Sierra Fellowship is a member of the Carson Valley Ministers’ Association.


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