Surveyors are working up and down Highway 395 in preparation for a repaving project from First Street to Waterloo Lane.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
Around 20,000 motorists a day dodge the new crop of potholes left by snowplows clearing January’s heavy snows on Main Street through Gardnerville.
Long-awaited repaving of Highway 395 between First Street in Minden and Waterloo Lane in Gardnerville is expected to go to bid over the next two months, according to the Nevada Department of Transportation.
“Construction on the project is anticipated to begin this summer and continue through the 2024 summer construction season,” State Transportation Spokeswoman Meg Ragonese said on Thursday. “This first phase of U.S. 395 enhancements will reconstruct the aging highway surface between Waterloo Lane and First Street.”
While workers are laying a fresh coat of asphalt on the road, others will be seeking right of way for sidewalk and drainage improvements.
“A future, second phase will include sidewalk and accessibility improvements, as well as remaining roadway drainage, signals, and lighting enhancements,” Ragonese said.
Downtown Gardnerville won’t be the only section of Highway 395 to see work this year.
State workers conducting shoulder work on Highway 395 just north of Holbrook Junction are just the first ants to the picnic for the stretch through the Pine Nut Mountains.
Work to resurface the highway from Leviathan Mine Road south to the state line is expected to occur this year.
The speed limit will be changed from 55 to 65 mph along some sections of the highway.
“With the vast majority of drivers traveling well over the currently posted 55mph speed limit, these speed limit modifications are aimed at further harmonizing average travel speeds and reducing the potential of unsafe passing and other crashes related to incongruent travel speeds,” she said.
The project represents an approximate $20 million investment in the highway south of Gardnerville.
“As part of this upcoming highway resurfacing, NDOT will extend the existing northbound passing lane near Pine Valley Road by approximately one and a half miles, providing additional designated passing opportunities,” Ragonese said. “Six speed feedback signs will also be installed on the corridor to help motorists ensure that they are not exceeding a safe speed. Using radar, these signs display vehicle travel speeds back to the motorist, along with the posted speed limit.”