The winners of the February photo contest are Mitch Palmer for a sandhill crane in flight and Robin Grueninger’s owl photos.
The February meeting of the Carson Valley Photo Club was in-house and in-person.
“We are going to try to have more in house meetings this year,” said spokesperson Nancy Hulsey. “Our Zoom meetings will take place when we have presenters who live out of our area.”
That will be the circumstance next month with presenter Cindy Marple, who lives in Arizona.
“Cindy’s presentations are always fabulous as she travels worldwide,” Hulsey said. “March’s presentation will be on her photo trip to Antarctica. If you would like to see it, please sign into our Facebook page, contact us, for the link.”
The February winners of the monthly photo contest focused on birds, featuring 16 entries that were judged by NJ Thompson.
First place was awarded to Mitch Palmer for “Flight of the Sandhill.” Second and third places went to Robin Grueninger for “Great Horned Owl in Flight,” and “Barn Owl Soaring.”
Photo Club meets the 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at The Carson Valley United Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville.
Hulsey said the club will announce on its Facebook page whether the meeting is in-person or virtual.
New members, including beginners, are always welcome, she said. Dues are $36 for a single membership or $52 for a family.