On 1/19/2023, the Douglas County Board
of Commissioners ADOPTED the following
ORDINANCE: 2022-1610
TITLE: Ordinance 2022-1610, an ordinance
to amend Douglas County Code Section
20.660.150B - Accessory Uses, to allow manufactured
homes to be used as an accessory
dwelling where the primary residence is a
manufactured home within the RA-5 (Rural
Agriculture - 5-acre minimum lot size) and
RA-10 (Rural Agriculture - 10-acre minimum
lot size) and MH (Manufactured Housing)
Overlay zoning and to clarify that they must
be secured to a permanent foundation.
The ordinance shall be in full force and effect
on February 2, 2023 and was adopted by
the following vote: AYE: Mark Gardner,
Wes Rice, Sharla Hales, Walt Nowosad,
Danny Tarkanian
/s/ Mark Gardner
Mark Gardner, Chairman
Douglas County Board of
/s/ Amy Burgans
A copy of this ordinance is on file in the Clerk’s
Office for public review.
Pub Date: January 25, February 1, 2023
Ad # 30736