A Nevada Department of Transportation truck belonging to an NDOT survey crew working along Highway 395.
A low bid of $10.88 million was opened on Thursday for the repav-ing of Main Street between First Street in Minden and Waterloo Lane in Gardnerville.
Sierra Nevada Construction Inc. was the apparent low bidder, though there is still a long way to go before that bid is approved.
“The construction contract will now be provided for review and po-tential approval of the Nevada State Transportation Board, likely during the July or August state transportation board meeting,” Transportation Spokeswoman Meg Ragonese said.
It’s possible that construction could begin before fall if the bid is ap-proved.
“It is anticipated that construction will launch in late summer or fall,” Ragonese said. “The construction start date could, though, be impacted by weather or other unforeseen bid review or construc-tion-related factors.”
More than 20,000 motorists a day travel down Gardnerville’s Main Street.
The main route through Gardnerville and Minden has been on the books for repaving for years, having last been resurfaced in 2003, 20 years ago.
A project to repave Highway 395 in the Pine Nuts south of Gardner-ville will be delayed until next year.
Lane closures and travel delays will be in place south of Gardner-ville through June as workers fix erosion along the highway.