A Douglas High School junior, in the white jersey, reaches for the ball at Friday night's Mountain Madness Powder Puff football game.
Photo by Ron Harpin.
Seniors may have outnumbered juniors during the Powder Puff game at Douglas High School Friday, but the juniors outscored them.
Agility and determination was exhibited from all 28 juniors and 46 seniors with a final of score of 12-6.
“The game was good in the beginning and then there was some tension because everyone wanted to win, but it was a good game in general and I think everyone played really well,” said Block D member and junior Alexandra Lentschig.
Though the seniors lost the football game, they dominated in other events of the evening.
Senior JC Reid won the milk chug competition and a group of seniors from Block D won the lip sync battle with a performance through the decades.
“We did famous and hit songs throughout the decades from pretty much the 70s through now,” said Block D President and Senior Camden Miller. “It was fun to coordinate outfits and get together. Everyone was goofing around and having fun.”
Word around the football field Friday was that Mountain Madness is Douglas High School’s biggest and one of the best bashes of the year.
“I love the community feel of it,” said Miller. “It’s one of the last events of the year and having the chance to play games and have fun with the different classes.”
Block D sponsors the event with participants from the whole school, including a carnival featuring booths from a variety of clubs, tug of war & milk chug competitions, faculty races and the lip sync battle.
“Overall, it was a great event,” said Lentschig. “It was warm and nice out and everything turned out good. It was amazing, I had fun.”
Proceeds fund future Block D activities, including school improvement projects and the Block D Memorial Scholarship.
“As the Block D President, it was really cool to see it all come together and for everyone to see how hard we worked and to enjoy it,” said Miller.