A yard-high plume of snow rises from John Flaherty's smoker in Topaz Ranch Estates. If he hasn't knocked it down, it will probably come down on its own by the end of the week.
Genoa, Nev. — Douglas has issued a list of sandbag locations in anticipation of a flood watch starting Thursday afternoon and lasting through Sunday morning. Everywhere below 6,500 feet could see excessive runoff from an atmospheric river.
Snow and river levels will be the dashboards to watch this weekend. Expect Centerville and Mottsville lanes to close at some point for high water. If it gets to Muller and Genoa lanes, then we’ve got something.
Work on the southern part of Muller Lane Parkway could begin this spring, representatives of the 1,020 Virginia Ranch project told Gardnerville Town Board members on Tuesday. The town board recommended some changes to the specific plan that will have to go to planning and county commissioners for final approval.
The town took no action on a proposal to eliminate an 11-acre school site on the project. The school board already decided it didn’t need the site. The district isn’t getting a free school, and if it didn’t build one, the property would revert back to the owner. The number of units in the project are capped at 1,020.
Library trustees will discuss work at the Minden Branch 10 a.m. today, including remodeling the restrooms, painting and replacing the carpet. They rescheduled after last week’s storms. Trustees meet at the Minden Branch, 1625 Library Lane.
Delivery of The R-C is going to be late this morning, with Genoans not seeing their paper until around 9 a.m. This is the first issue we’ve printed in Oregon, so we may still be working out some bugs.
If we get snow showers, they will be before 10 a.m. The forecast calls for mostly cloudy skies then clearing through the day with a high of 36 degrees. It will be breezy, at 10-20 mph, with gusts up to 30 mph as this storm clears out and the big wet one arrives.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at khildebrand@recordcourier.com or call 775-782-5122.