Sixth-grader raises more than funds

Sixth-grader Paxton Rasmussen stirs up a bowl of Gofundme to raise money for Carson Valley Middle School’s culinary program on Monday. Students have taken charge of funding the kitchen.

Sixth-grader Paxton Rasmussen stirs up a bowl of Gofundme to raise money for Carson Valley Middle School’s culinary program on Monday. Students have taken charge of funding the kitchen.

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More fundraising and experiences are being cooked up in the Carson Valley Middle School Home Economic class after sixth-grader Brogan Lackey raised around $2,000 in October.

Sixth-grader Paxton Rasmussen felt inspired by Lackey’s success and wanted to host a fundraiser of his own.

“When Brogan first told me about it, I knew I wanted to help too,” said Rasmussen. “This is one of my favorite classes and I want to help get us the equipment so we can continue to learn more things.”

Home Economics teacher Lucas Whitmore said the kitchen used in class has at least 50 years of wear and tear of teaching students all about food from the ingredients used and scientific aspect to handling, prepping, cooking and enjoying.

“We’re still trying to climb out of decades of use,” said Whitmore. “We want to keep them engaged and teach them something they’re into, but we need the equipment to be able to do so.”

This time, donations will go towards new pots and pans, a kitchen aid mixer, ingredients and anything else the class needs.

Whitmore said he seeks out grants to support the program, but sometimes it’s not enough to replace everything or he’s denied all together.

“Through donations this is going to be an ongoing program we can continue to provide students,” said Whitmore.

Whitmore said Rasmussen has done a lot of footwork in promoting his fundraiser, including putting up flyers in the community and going around and talking about what he is doing.

“I am so grateful for students like Paxton and Brogan who put themselves out there like this, because I know it’s not easy,” he said. “I admire their generosity, bravery and efforts.”

Lackey’s October fundraiser helped remodel the kitchen, including new counter tops, cabinets and stoves and inspired others. It also provided students with a real life restaurant experience.

Whitmore said during a celebration and thank you lunch for Lackey’s success at Sonny’s BBQ, owner Sonny came out and talked to the students.

“He told them what it takes to run a restaurant, gave them a tour of the kitchen and showed them how to take orders and buss tables too,” said Whitmore. “It was a really cool experience for them and it’s something we want to be able to provide again.”

Whitmore said he plans to seek out other hands on experiences for the students in his class.

“The long term goal is to remodel the kitchen and provide a commercial kitchen experience, so they know right away whether this is something they want to pursue further and to give them the hands on knowledge to be successful at it.”

Whitmore said aside from monetary donations, ingredients such as eggs and butter are always accepted in addition to dish towels.

“We want to thank those who have donated in the form of money, supplies, food and experiences including Cutthroat Brewing Company, Sonny’s BBQ and the support from the community,” said Whitmore.

To donate ingredients or items, email Lucas Whitmore at or call Carson Valley Middle School at 775-782-2265.

For monetary donations visit Rasmussen’s GoFundMe at


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