Nov. 8, 2023, R-C Letters to the Editor

Greycee Mathison won the top teen award at last week’s Trick or Treat Safety Street at the Douglas County Fairgrounds on Halloween.

Greycee Mathison won the top teen award at last week’s Trick or Treat Safety Street at the Douglas County Fairgrounds on Halloween.
Douglas County Sheriff's Office

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Thanks to Safety Street sponsors


More than 500 kids attended Trick or Treat Safety Street this year., The following company’s sponsored us, made donations, or had a booth at the event. Thanks go to sponsors including Audible’s, Beverly Realty, Carson City Toyota, Community Counseling Center, Cotton Candy Clouds, Carson Valley Inn, Carson Valley Health, Dart Liquor, Double J Auto, Douglas Disposal , Dynamic UTV, Eastside Memorial, Edgewood, French Bar, GNCU, Guns n Ammo , HPI, Kirbyland Reno, Michael Hohl Motor Co., Mountain View Tree Farms, Northwest Martial Arts, Pro Group Management, ReMax Realty, Roundhill Pines Beach, Sierra Market, Stafford Automotive, Uniformity, Valley Pediatric Dentistry, Vital Signs, and the 7-Eleven Tillman.

Donations came from the Topsy Walmart, Domino’s, Chocolate Shoppe, Trader Joe’s, Raley’s, and COD Casino.

Booth vendors include Boys & Girls Club of Carson Valley, Carson Valley Food Closet, Carson Valley Swim Center, Community Counseling Center, Cotton Candy Clouds, Carson Valley Health, Douglas County Social Services, Family Support Council, Greater Nevada Credit Union, Guns N Ammo, Kirbyland Reno, Kiwanis of Carson Valley, Michael Hohl Moor Co., Moxy Up, Northwest Martial Arts, Partnership of Douglas County, PAX Christian Church, Pro Group Management, Sage River Photography and the Washoe Tribe Police Department.

Deputy M. Sampson

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office


Thanks for preserving trash pickup


I was just at the Minden Town Board meeting, where I was voicing my opinion on whether the town should discontinue trash pickup in the alleys of Old Town Minden. Being as this was my first town board meeting I’ve ever attended, I learned a few things regarding the protocols of the meeting as to public comment. 

Limiting speakers to three minutes is wise, as you don’t realize how long your intended speech is. 

Something I’m not in favor of however, is not being able to respond to a board members comments to those in attendance. So let me respond here to Bill Driscoll. When your reason for ending this service is because of “equity,” saying that 3 percent of the population shouldn’t get what the other 97 percent doesn’t get, and therefore it should be taken away from them, was very condescending. Comparing how these old homes would have to get their cans to the street to homes in Westwood or Winhaven is ludicrous. 

The homes in Old Town don’t have the access to the street that those other neighborhoods do because they were laid out with those alleys to use. But your adherence to “equity” never took this into account. Before deciding where you stood on this issue, did you even attempt to see for yourself what those “3 percent of the population” would have to go through to get their can to the street? I’m guessing not.  One last point. 

Since “equity” is so important in this issue, and you chose not to respond to this question posed during public comment, I’ll ask it again-how is it equitable that the businesses in the alleys would retain their trash pickup, but the residents right next door wouldn’t? 

Which brings me to the last thing that I learned tonight. 

Having “public comment” is nothing but smoke if the board isn’t going to address the public’s concern regarding the issue at hand.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the three members of the board that voted to continue trash collection for these residents. 

Chris Weatherbee


Elderly being left behind


Loneliness, sadness, melancholy, are some of the few descriptive words used to describe those who have been abandoned by their family. Abandonment of our elderly is an increasingly visible problem in our society.

It is not necessary to look in specific places to be able to realize the large number of elderly people have been abandoned; both physically and psychologically. 

And if that were not enough, our elderly are also subject to the same shortage of resources due to our current economic situation. Our elderly are not able to cover their basic needs by their own means, which is why they are forced to rely on local resources to get the necessary help. 

There are many reasons why we see more and more elderly being abandoned by their family and friends, however, regardless of the reasons we are seeing a drastic increase in the number of elderly individuals who have been “thrown out onto the streets” by their relatives or who have been “left to die” in nursing homes. When looking at other cultures, I wonder why our culture often leaves our elderly behind. 

In the era of technology, it’s easier than ever for us to observe how cultures, such as Asian and Latino cultures, treat and care for their elderly with love and respect, well into their later years. 

But when looking at America, we see how social and family values are becoming less important in our culture. While I may not have the solution to the problem, I believe that now is the time, especially with Holiday’s just around the corner, to check on your loved ones. 

We alone cannot solve the problems of our nation, but we can extend a caring hand to our elderly family members and loved ones in our own community today.   

Daena Escamilla


This is a great community


Growing up in Douglas County is something I can look back at with fond memories due to the small town feel and the kindness shown between neighbors. There was always a sense of belonging and community. This is the main reason I moved back to this area to raise my children. 

While the area has grown substantially and the political climate has changed, the family friendly events remain a constant reminder of the great community we live in. 

With inflation causing the cost of living to rise out of control, it is helpful for residents to be able to enjoy events and activities throughout the community that are free or offered a reasonable price. I wanted to take the opportunity to recognize MainStreet Gardnerville, the Town of Gardnerville, the Town of Minden, the Town of Genoa, and the various Douglas County departments that help make the events possible. Without their hard work and dedication to making our community shine, we would not be able to enjoy so many cultural experiences. 

It is imperative that as community members, we continue to support and contribute to the events organized by nonprofits and local organizations so they can continue to bring new events and ideas that keep our community thriving. 

All support and funds raised go back into our community to provide necessary services and additional events for the future. 

Jodi Martinez


Thanks from the Tribe


On Sept. 21, the Washoe Tribe of Nevada & California held their annual employee appreciation picnic at Lampe Park.  

The picnic was enjoyed by the more than 250 employees and Tribal Council Members.  

During the picnic there were many fantastic raffle prizes given out.  

In making the raffle a huge success, the Tribal Administration and the Planning Committee would like to recognize and thank the following businesses and everyone else that contributed in making this event a success for our Tribal employees:  

Dale Bennett, Gaialicious, JJ’s Mexican, JT’s Basque Bar & Dining Room, Carson Valley Swim Center, Accolades Trophies, Aroma Touch, Wildwood, Reno Aces, Meeks Bay Resort, Grill Next Door, CVI – Steak House. Just a Drop – Aromatherapy Treatment, FSA. Wah She Shu Travel Center, Mica Chevron, Washoe Tribal Nevada and California staff and Minden Pizza Factory.

Stacy L. Stahl

Director Social Services 

Washoe Tribe of NV & CA


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