The Nov. 9, 2023, R-C Morning Report

The wind had the flags at the Douglas County Community & Senior Center flying in this photo by Heather Crawford. The center is hosting Toddler Time this morning.

The wind had the flags at the Douglas County Community & Senior Center flying in this photo by Heather Crawford. The center is hosting Toddler Time this morning.

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Genoa, Nev. — While those of us in the Valley were being buffeted by high winds on Sunday, Gordon Boettger and co-pilot Bruce Campbell were riding them in his glider, setting a second distance record in four months with 3,143 kilometers.

East Fork medics and law enforcement responded to a collision near the Carson Valley Inn around 1:35 p.m. Wednesday. A second collision was reported on Stephanie Way near LifePoint Church around 3:55 p.m.

The Washoe Tribe is celebrating its veterans at the former Wa She Shu Casino this morning. Two Washoe men were the first draftees in World War I, despite not being considered citizens at the time.

A decade after Scolari’s closed in Gardnerville, Harbor Freight will be opening next door to Grocery Outlet on Saturday. Longtime R-C contributor John Flaherty sent me a note this morning about it. Another Scolari’s alum is former R-C Sports Editor Joey Crandall.

Government offices will be closed Friday for the second three-day weekend in two weeks. If you’ve got business with the government, better conduct it today.

It was chilly out this morning with Minden-Tahoe Airport recording 10 degrees and 18 in Fredericksburg. Up on the bench it bottomed out at 22 degrees in Genoa.

Expect the clouds to roll in today as the high climbs to 55 degrees and the wind will be calm. It’s supposed to warm up to 63 degrees on Saturday and 65 on Sunday.

Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at or 775-782-5122.


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