Gardnerville students salute veterans

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Color Guard presented the colors during the Veterans Ceremony at Gardnerville Elementary School on Wednesday.

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Color Guard presented the colors during the Veterans Ceremony at Gardnerville Elementary School on Wednesday.
Photo by Sarah Drinkwine.

On Wednesday, more than 40 veterans were honored at Gardnerville Elementary with the theme “service.”

Ceremony coordinator and fifth-grade teacher Heather Daniels said according to the National Veterans of America website, a theme is chosen every year and for at least three years GES has adopted those too.

“We actually didn’t know there were themes, but they come straight from the VA website and once we found that out, we do something that corresponds with the national veterans day theme every year,” said Daniels. “It’s really neat to incorporate.”

She said past assemblies were “honor” and “Tombs of the Unknown Soldier.”

“Doing this is something that is really important to us at GES,” said Daniels. “It’s importance to us to remember our history and veterans.”

Wednesday’s ceremony started with an appreciation breakfast and coffee for the veterans before they lined the hall and students saluted, high-fived and fist bumped the honorees on their way to the auditorium.

Kitty Murphy welcomed the honorees by singing each branch’s anthems as they entered the auditorium. Murphy is a past GES teacher and is currently Dean of Student and Staff Affairs at Sierra Lutheran High School.

“We do this to teach our students patriotism, gratitude and to know who our veterans are,” said Daniels.

Daniels asked veterans to stand.

“These are your community veterans,” she said, “the ones you see at the grocery store, a neighbor and a friend or a family member. When you see them, thank them not just today, but any time you see them. Take the time to talk with them and thank them for their service.”

Blue Star moms Nora Grant, an instructional aid at GES and GES second grade teacher Vivian Michalik were also honored.

Blue Star moms, are a private nonprofit organization who have sons or daughters in service.

During the ceremony “America’s White Table” by Margot Theis Raven was read and students sang “Grand ‘Ol Flag, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” and “The Star-Spangled Banner. The guests of honor were given books made by students, which included drawings, poems and thank you letters.


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