Farmers Markets in last drop of the season

Maria and Louie Dwelley of Dwelley Family Farms is a regular vendor at the Just a Drop In Farmers Market in Gardnerville selling fresh produce including 12 varieties of tomatoes, two types of corn, onions and specializing in beans. They will continue to be at the Minden Farmers Market through Sept. 26.

Maria and Louie Dwelley of Dwelley Family Farms is a regular vendor at the Just a Drop In Farmers Market in Gardnerville selling fresh produce including 12 varieties of tomatoes, two types of corn, onions and specializing in beans. They will continue to be at the Minden Farmers Market through Sept. 26.

The Gardnerville farmers’ market had a successful season right up to the last drop on Wednesday.

Just a Drop In Farmers Market closed for the season, but coordinator Teressa Bennis, said it was a great first year.

“It went really good,’ she said. “I learned a lot and have lots of ideas for next year, and some big plans.”

This is the fourth year the farmers market was conducted at Heritage Park, and Bennis’ first year coordinating the event since taking it over from Sierra Chef.

Bennis owns Just a Drop essential oil and gift shop in the Stratton Center. She has been participating in the Gardnerville Farmers market since before it moved from Lampe Park to Heritage Park.

“This park is so beautiful and has so much potential,” said Bennis. “People notice it more and it’s easy access. It’s a great place to come to and has so many opportunities available.”

In the future, Bennis said she plans to have more variety of vendors and food available. 

“I’m hoping to add to it as it continues,’ she said. “I want to encourage health and exercise and hopefully can get together with the hospital and local gyms and coordinate something, maybe by incorporating the trail.”

Bennis said she is also collaborating with local restaurants in hopes to bring recipe demonstrations to the farmer’s market.

“I want to bring that small town feel back into the farmers market and bring people together to share food, crafts, and wellness.”

Isabel Pfister, illustrator and author of BPs Bookshelf children’s books, encourages other businesses to sign up for the farmers market in the future.

“You meet all kinds of people,” said Pfister. “Even if it seems like you have an untraditional thing for a farmers market, it’s still amazing exposure for your business and it’s a wonderful experience.”

Pfister, has been a regular vendor along with Dwelley Family Farms and Rodriguez Ranch. 

Dwelley Family Farms is from Brentwood, Calif.

Louie Dwelley said produce is picked Tuesday mornings then brought for both the Minden Farmers Market and Just a Drop in Farmers Market.

“We enjoy being a part of the two events and meeting new people,” said Dwelley.

Bennis thanked the community and Town of Gardnerville for their sponsorship and support of Just a Drop in Farmers Market.

“I just want to thank the Town of Gardnerville for all that they do and the community for coming out, having fun with us and supporting us,” she said.

The Minden Farmers Market continues 4-8 p.m. Tuesdays through Sept. 26 on Esmeralda Avenue.

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