Douglas County legal - 36856

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On 9/7/2023, the Douglas County Board

of Commissioners ADOPTED the following


ORDINANCE: 2023-1622

TITLE: Ordinance 2023-1622, a Zoning

Text Amendment to Douglas County

Code (DCC), Title 20, updating Chapter

20.50-Floodplain Management and amending

Title 20, Appendix A - “Definitions”, and

other properly related matters.

The ordinance shall be in full force and effect

on September 21, 2023 and was adopted by

the following vote: AYE: Mark Gardner, Wes

Rice, Sharla Hales, Walt Nowosad, Danny


/s/ Mark Gardner

Mark Gardner, Chairman

Douglas County Board of Commissioners


/s/ Amy Burgans


A copy of this ordinance is on file in the Clerk’s

Office for public review.

Pub Date: September 13, 20, 2023

Ad # 36856


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