The 1983 Nevada State Champion Douglas High School volleyball team was inducted into the Hall of Fame on Thursday night. MEFIYI photo
Genoa, Nev. — The state champion 1983 Douglas High School Tiger volleyball team was inducted into the Hall of Fame on Thursday night between the JV and varsity games against Spanish Springs.
The Minden Branch of the Douglas County Public Library is hosting an artist’s reception for its tiny art show 6-8 p.m. today on Library Lane. Visit, or call 775-782-9841 for more information.
It’s opening night for “Love, Loss and What I Wore” at the CVIC Hall in Minden. Curtain rises at 7:30 p.m. You can find out more by visiting or calling 775-782-6622.
Chautauquan Kim Harris will portray Gertrude Hironymous Dangberg, wife of Fred Dangberg, Jr., 10 a.m. today at the Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park.
The John C. Frémont chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution are hosting Bells Across America 1 p.m. Sunday at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center as the culmination of Constitution Week.
It appears that firefighters have a good handle on the Wolf Creek Fire burning 10 miles southeast of Markleeville. The fire size has been revised downward to 32.5 acres and it is 50 percent contained.
Minden residents awoke to a chilly morning today with the low at Minden-Tahoe Airport bottoming out at 34 degrees at 5:35 a.m. In contrast, it was 49 degrees in Genoa this morning.
Today expect sunny skies with a high temperature near 83 degrees and the wind out of the north at 5 mph.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at or 775-782-5122.