R-C wins 16 Nevada Press Association awards

Record-Courier Editor Kurt Hildebrand won the rural Nevada Press Association award for best feature photo for the second year in a row for this photo of Sienna Maita trying to catch a bubble during Family Day at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center in June 2022.

Record-Courier Editor Kurt Hildebrand won the rural Nevada Press Association award for best feature photo for the second year in a row for this photo of Sienna Maita trying to catch a bubble during Family Day at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center in June 2022.

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Coverage of the tragic traffic death of Fallon Montaucci resulted in Nevada Press Association awards for best spot news and best portrait.

“I would rather Fallon was still alive and guarding America’s nuclear arsenal than win all the awards in the state,” Editor Kurt Hildebrand said.

The R-C won first place for best opinion section for the third year running. The R-C won first place for best headline writing and best page one design, in addition to best half-page print advertisement.

The Carson Valley Almanac, featuring the megafires of 2021, brought home the award for best special section and recordcourier.com won the award for general online excellence.

Sportswriter Carter Eckl’s story on Cole Smalley brought home first place for best sports spot news story. Eckl also won a third place for sports spot news story for coverage of the Tigers.

Hildebrand received first place for feature photo.

The R-C received second place for community service for its coverage of the record winter.

Hildebrand won second and third places for obituary writing for his stories on the deaths of former County Commissioner Bob Allgeier and East Fork Jus-tice of the Peace Cassandra Jones. The paper won second place for best photo essay for the snowbound edition of Valley Views and for advertising general excellence.

Hildebrand won second place for portrait for his photo from the 2022 Homecoming Parade.

The Record-Courier competes against other rural Nevada newspapers and websites.


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