Dangberg Home Ranch speaker Mike ‘Doc’ Fischer talks on Saturday about Hank Monk and Horace Greeley’s 1859 stagecoach ride over the Sierra Nevada. Photo special to The R-C by Barb Geibel
Genoa, Nev. — Three people are up for appointment to Mike Henningsen’s seat on the Gardnerville Town Board. Julie Duda, Dan Hamer and Julie McCain applied for the seat. Town board members meet 4:30 p.m. today in the town offices, 1407 Main St.
An update on the Zephyr Cove and Warrior Way parking program and other projects goes before the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee 6 p.m. today at the Douglas County Community & Senior Center.
A plan to update and convert the bathrooms in the airport’s administrative building using $59,000 in FAA grant funding goes to the Airport Advisory Committee 6 p.m. today at the Douglas County Courthouse in Minden. The work would include providing access from the ramp and the purchase of portable bathrooms.
East Fork firefighters responded to a report of a plane with a collapsed nose gear at Minden-Tahoe Airport 8:20 a.m. Monday. No fire or injury were reported from the incident.
Today’s weather is going to pretty much be a repeat of Monday’s with a high temperature of 96 degrees under blue skies, with the zephyr picking up at 10-15 mph in the afternoon.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at khildebrand@recordcourier.com or 775-782-5122.