How’s your life path going?

Tim Johnson

Tim Johnson

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The Apostle Paul said in Acts 20:24, But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. In other words, your life is worth nothing unless you use it to finish the work assigned to you by God. Do you remember the old saying, “If you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.” This really is not true. Most people really do work hard. Even when you love your job, at times you have to do things you don’t like or agree with. You still need to give every effort above and beyond what is comfortable. It’s easy to give your best effort if you are doing something you like and believe in. Your hard work will bring you great satisfaction. But sometimes this great satisfaction may cause you to suffer from “Destination disease.” Some people think that by arriving at a certain place in life will bring them happiness. This is not always true. The reality is that many times when someone arrives at their destination, they discover that it wasn’t really what they expected or wanted. If you become fixated on a destination you can miss great things that happen along your way. Especially the joy of the day. Never convince yourself that “someday” is going to be your best day. If you keep looking for that “someday” you will miss your best day because you won’t put your best effort forward today or get enough out of the day. If you are not doing something significant with your life it doesn’t matter how long your life is. It is not enough just to survive, you need a reason to live. This is where Christ comes in: He will give you a new life and add purpose to your life. This new purpose will also give you the new power to fulfill the new purpose. Don’t let the times of today distract you from having a great day. Choose to follow God’s path today, right now. Live in the blessings of God today and enjoy the ride.

Tim Johnson is the outreach pastor at Valley Christian Fellowship.


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